Ways of the World with Sources
Printed Page 219

Ways of the World
Printed Page 193

Second Thoughts

Next Steps: For Further Study

Jeannine Auboyer, Daily Life in Ancient India (2002). A social history of ancient India, with a focus on caste, ritual, religion, and art.

Sue Blundell, Women in Ancient Greece (1999). A well-written academic study, with occasional humorous stories and anecdotes.

Keith Bradley, Slavery and Society at Rome (1994). A scholarly but very readable account of slavery in the Roman Empire.

Michael Lowe, Everyday Life in Early Imperial China (1968). A vivid description of social life during the Han dynasty.

Merry Weisner-Hanks, Gender in History (2001). A thoughtful overview by a leading scholar in both women’s history and world history.

“The Indian Caste System: An Introduction,” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh_xvKLhZHg. A brief BBC documentary on the beginnings of caste in India.

“Women in World History,” http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/index.html. Documents, reviews, and lesson plans for learning and teaching about women’s history in a global context.