Chapter 16. Chapter 16

Students model
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Check out the model writing from students like you in Chapter 16, Process Analysis.

Step three is merely a continuum of “the exchange” with the addition of the third ball. Don’t worry if you are confused — I will explain. Hold two balls in your right hand and one in your left. Make a perfect toss with one of your balls in your right hand and then an exchange with the one in your left hand. The ball coming from your left hand should now be exchanged with the, as of now, unused ball in your right hand. This process should be continued until you find yourself reaching under nearby chairs for bouncing tennis balls. It is true that many persons’ backs and legs become sore when learning how to juggle because they’ve been picking up balls that they’ve inadvertently tossed around the room. Try practicing over a bed; you won’t have to reach down so far. Don’t get too upset if things aren’t going well; you’re probably keeping the same pace as everyone else at this stage.

—William Peterson