Finding Marginal Productivity: The Cobb–Douglas Model

In 1928 the mathematician Charles Cobb and the economist Paul Douglas empirically (from data) derived a production model for the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy for the period 1899–1922. Using the model \(P=aK^{b}L^{1-b},\) where \(P\) is manufacturing productivity, \(K\) is capital input, and \(L\) is labor input, and multiple regression techniques, Cobb and Douglas determined that manufacturing productivity was represented by the function \[ P=1.014651K^{0.254124}L^{0.745876}\approx 1.01K^{0.25}L^{0.75} \]


  1. Find the marginal productivity of manufacturing output with respect to capital input. Interpret the result.
  2. Find the marginal productivity of manufacturing output with respect to labor input. Interpret the result.

Solution(a) The marginal productivity of manufacturing output with respect to capital input \(K\) is \[ \dfrac{\partial P}{\partial K}\approx 1.01( 0.25K^{-0.75}) L^{0.75}=0.2525\left( \dfrac{L}{K}\right) ^{0.75} \]

For every unit increase in capital input, there is an increase of \( 0.2525\left( \dfrac{L}{K}\right) ^{0.75}\) units in manufacturing productivity.

(b) The marginal productivity of manufacturing output with respect to labor input \(L\) is \[ \dfrac{\partial P}{\partial L}\approx 1.01K^{0.25}\left( 0.75L^{-0.25}\right) =0.7575\left( \dfrac{K}{L}\right) ^{0.25} \]

For every unit increase in labor input, there is an increase of \( 0.7575\left(\dfrac{K}{L}\right)^{0.25}\) units in manufacturing productivity.