Finding the Work Done by a Spring Force

Suppose an 0.8 m-long spring has a spring constant of \(k=5\textrm{ N}/\textrm{ m}\).

  1. What spring force is required to compress the spring from its equilibrium position to a length of \(0.5\textrm{ m}\)?
  2. How much work is done by the spring force when compressing the spring from equilibrium to a length of \(0.5\textrm{ m}\)?
  3. How much work is done by the spring force when compressing the spring from 1.2 to \(0.5\textrm{ m}\)?
  4. How much work is done by the spring force when compressing the spring from 1 to \(0.6\textrm{ m}\)?

Solution We begin by positioning an axis parallel to the spring and placing the origin at the free end of the spring in equilibrium. See Figure 57.

Figure 57


  1. By Hooke's Law, the spring force is \(F=-5x\). When the spring is compressed to a length of \(0.5\textrm{ m}\), then \(x=-0.3\) The spring force \(F\) required to compress the spring to \(0.5\textrm{ m}\) is \[ F=-kx=-5( -0.3) =1.5\hbox{ }\textrm{N} \]
  2. The work \(W\) done by the spring force \(F\) when compressing the spring from equilibrium \((x=0)\) to \(x=-0.3\) is \begin{eqnarray*} W&=&\int_{0}^{-0.3}F(x) {\it dx}\underset{\underset{\color{#0066A7}{\hbox{\(F(x) = -5x\)}}}{\color{#0066A7}{\uparrow }}} {=}\int_{0}^{-0.3}\left( -5x\right) {\it dx} = 5\int_{-0.3}^{0}x\,{\it dx}= 5 \left[\dfrac{x^{2}}{2}\right] _{-0.3}^{0}\\[-11pt] &=&0-\dfrac{5\,\left( -0.3\right) ^{2}}{2}=-0.225\textrm{ J} \end{eqnarray*}
  3. The work \(W\) done by the spring force \(F\) when compressing the spring from \(1.2\textrm{ m}\) \((x=0.4)\) to \(x=-0.3\) is \begin{equation*} W=\int_{0.4}^{-0.3}( -5x) \,{\it dx}=5\int_{-0.3}^{0.4}x\,{\it dx}= 5 \left[\dfrac{x^{2}}{2}\right] _{-0.3}^{0.4}=\dfrac{5}{2}[ 0.4^{2}-( -0.3) ^{2}] =0.175\textrm{ J} \end{equation*}
  4. The work \(W\) done when compressing the spring from \(1\textrm{ m} \ (x=0.2)\) to \(0.6\textrm{ m}\) \((x =-0.2)\) is \[ W=\int_{0.2}^{-0.2}( -5x) \,{\it dx}=5\int_{-0.2}^{0.2}x\,{\it dx}= 5 \left[\dfrac{x^{2}}{2}\right] _{-0.2}^{0.2}=\dfrac{5}{2}[ 0.2^{2}-(-0.2) ^{2}] =0\textrm{ J} \]