1869 |
- Knights of Labor founded.
- Cincinnati mounts first paid baseball team.
1871 |
- Boss Tweed’s rule in New York ends.
- Chicago’s Great Fire.
1873 |
- Panic on Wall Street touches off depression.
1877 |
1880s |
- Immigration from southern and eastern Europe rises.
1882 |
1883 |
1886 |
- American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded.
- Haymarket bombing.
1890s |
- African American migration from the South begins.
1890 |
- Jacob Riis publishes How the Other Half Lives.
1892 |
1893 |
- World’s Columbian Exposition.
- Panic on Wall Street touches off major economic depression.
1895 |
- Boston Public Library opens in Copley Square.
1896 |
- President Grover Cleveland vetoes immigrant literacy test.
1897 |
- Steeplechase Park opens on Coney Island.
- Nation’s first subway system opens in Boston.