Chronological Reasoning for Chapter 1


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ca. 400,000 BP
  • Homo sapiens evolve in Africa.
ca. 25,000–14,000 BP
  • Glaciation exposes Beringia land bridge.
ca. 15,000 BP
  • Humans arrive in North America.
ca. 13,500–13,000 BP
  • Paleo-Indians use Clovis points.
ca. 11,000 BP
  • Extinction of mammoths.
ca. 10,000–3000 BP
  • Archaic hunter-gatherer cultures dominate ancient America.
ca. 5000 BP
  • Chumash culture emerges in southern California.
ca. 4000 BP
  • Eastern Woodland peoples grow gourds, make pottery.
ca. 3500 BP
  • Southwestern cultures cultivate corn.
ca. 2500 BP
  • Eastern Woodland cultures build burial mounds, cultivate corn.
ca. 2500–2100 BP
  • Adena culture develops in Ohio.
ca. 2100 BP–AD 400
  • Hopewell culture emerges in Ohio and Mississippi valleys.
ca. AD 200–900
  • Mogollon culture develops in New Mexico.
ca. AD 500
  • Bows and arrows appear south of Arctic.
ca. AD 500–1400
  • Hohokam culture develops in Arizona.
ca. AD 800–1500
  • Mississippian culture flourishes in Southeast.
ca. AD 1000–1200
  • Anasazi peoples build cliff dwellings and pueblos.
ca. AD 1325–1500
  • Mexica establish Mexican empire.
AD 1492
  • Christopher Columbus arrives in New World.