
What is the theory of plate tectonics? According to the theory of plate tectonics, the lithosphere is broken into about a dozen rigid plates that move over Earth’s surface. Three types of plate boundaries are defined by the direction of the movements of plates in relation to each other: divergent, convergent, and transform-fault boundaries. Earth’s surface area does not change over time; therefore, the area of new lithosphere created at divergent boundaries equals the area of lithosphere recycled at convergent boundaries by subduction into the mantle.

What are some of the geologic characteristics of plate boundaries? Many geologic features develop at plate boundaries. Divergent boundaries are typically marked by volcanism and earthquakes at the crest of a mid-ocean ridge. Convergent boundaries are marked by deep-sea trenches, earthquakes, mountain building, and volcanism. Transform faults, along which plates slide horizontally past each other, can be recognized by earthquake activity and offsets in geologic features.

How can the age of the seafloor be determined? We can measure the age of the seafloor by using thermoremanent magnetization. Magnetic anomaly patterns mapped on the seafloor can be compared with a magnetic time scale that was established using the magnetic anomalies of lavas of known ages on land. Seafloor ages have been verified through dating of rock samples obtained by deep-sea drilling. Geologists can now draw isochron maps for most of the world’s oceans, which allow them to reconstruct the history of seafloor spreading over the past 200 million years. Using this method and other geologic data, geologists have developed a detailed model of how Pangaea broke apart and the continents drifted into their present configuration.

What is the engine that drives plate tectonics? The plate tectonic system is driven by mantle convection, the energy for which comes from Earth’s internal heat. Gravitational forces act on the cooling lithosphere as it slides downhill from spreading centers and sinks into the mantle at subduction zones. Subducted lithosphere extends as deep as the core-mantle boundary, indicating that the whole mantle is involved in the convection system that recycles the plates. Rising convection currents may include mantle plumes, intense jets of material from the deep mantle that cause localized volcanism at hot spots in the middle of plates.