7th Edition
John Grotzinger
California Institute of Technology
Thomas H. Jordan
University of Southern California
W.H. Freeman and Company
A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Publisher: Jessica Fiorillo
Development Editor: Randi Blatt Rossignol
Acquisitions Editor: Bill Minick
Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare
Marketing Assistant: Samantha Zimbler
Media and Supplements Editor: Amy Thorne
Associate Editor: Heidi Bamatter
Assistant Editor: Nicholas Ciani
Project Editor: Dennis Free, Aptara, Inc.
Photo Editor: Jennifer Atkins
Cover Design: Blake Logan
Interior Design: Patrice Sheridan
Illustrations: Precision Graphics
Illustration Coordinator: Janice Donnola
Production Manager: Paul Rohloff
Composition: Aptara, Inc.
Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014930768
ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-3874-4
ISBN-10: 1-4641-3874-5
© 2014, 2010, 2007, 2004 by W. H. Freeman and Company
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
First printing
W. H. Freeman and Company
41 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Houndmills, Basingstoke RG21 6XS, England
We dedicate this book to Frank Press and Ray Siever, pioneering educators in the era of modern geology. This book was possibly only because they led the way.