Sets and Settings in Do the Right Thing
  Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing is a racially tense drama about living in a complex urban environment and about making difficult decisions. In this film, Lee reconstructs the Bed-Stuy neighborhood in Brooklyn inhabited by the film's many different characters. As Mookie, the main character played by Lee himself, delivers pizzas, he crosses between the often clearly delineated public and private spaces of the neighborhood. Mookie stands out as the central
  focus within the energy and wear-and-tear of this urban mise-en-scène. Surrounding him is a community of distinctive characters, like Buggin Out and Radio Raheem, all sharing the same tight spaces, creating a cohesive but troubled community. The sidewalk acts as the border between the public street and the private homes behind hedges and front doors. The Bed-Stuy of Do the Right Thing is under constant construction. Quite literally these streets are being written over by protests, personal comments and individual
  personalities. In one scene, Mookie talks with his flamboyant sister Jade against a wall graffitied with "Tawana told the truth," a reference to a controversial racial incident in the 1980s.