00:02 [TITLE] Supervisor/Supervisee relationship

00:06 [SUPERVISOR and SUPERVISEE stand] SUPERVISOR: You know why I called you in here. I heard you lost your temper out on the floor, and you raised your voice at some customers and their children.

00:13 SUPERVISEE: What did you want me to do? Her kids were running, just crazy throughout the store, just putting their jam hands everywhere and just ripping shoes down from the wall. They were totally out of control!

00:20 SUPERVISOR: Okay, next time that happens… next time that happens, you come get me and I'll take care of it. But that's not up to you. We have to maintain our professionalism around here.

00:27 SUPERVISEE: All right.

00:28 SUPERVISOR: Okay. You're a good worker. Let's just keep up the good work. All right?

00:30 SUPERVISEE: Okay.

00:31 SUPERVISOR: That's it. Thank you.

00:33 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Supervisor/Supervisee relationship: The hierarchical relationship between an individual who is in a position of authority (manager, boss, leader) and an individual who is accountable to that authority.