00:02 [TITLE] Attributions

00:07 [Three women standing in a group] WOMAN #1: So it was so cool last night at the bar.

00:09 WOMAN #3: Yeah?

00:09 WOMAN #1: That cabaret act I thought was fantastic.

00:11 WOMAN #3: Oh, it was very good! Usually I don't like those so much --

00:14 WOMAN #1: I know! Me neither!

00:15 [ MAN walks by.] WOMAN #3: Hi!

00:15 WOMAN #1: Hey, how you doing?

00:16 WOMAN #2: Wow, David seems like he's in such a bad mood. I wonder why.

00:20 WOMAN #1: I don't know, maybe he's upset about something?

00:22 WOMAN #3: I think he was coming down with something. He said that the other day.

00:24 WOMAN #2: I think he's probably just tired. I don't know, I think he was out late last night.

00:27 WOMAN #3: [gasps] I think he's mad at us because we didn't invite him to the cabaret thing last night!

00:30 WOMAN #1: Well, we didn't, but --

00:31 WOMAN #2: Oh, you know what, though? I heard that he might get fired. I have a friend that works at the same law firm as him.

00:35 WOMAN #1: Really? Oh, no. I think he's been getting there late a lot.

00:39 WOMAN #3: I think he's just embarrassed about his new haircut.

00:43 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Attributions: Personal characteristics that are uses to explain other people's behavior.