WOMAN 1: Excuse me, are you here for the Morrison audition?

WOMAN 2: Yup, you're in the right place.

WOMAN 2: Great. Thanks.

WOMAN 1 (VOICEOVER): I've seen her before. Where have I seen her?

WOMAN 2: Hey, wait. I've seen you before. Oh, the lipstick commercial last spring, right?

WOMAN 1: Yes, I remember you. You were great. Thanks.

WOMAN 1 (VOICEOVER): Oh yeah, it was the lipstick commercial and you got that part, and you've got way more experience than I do. I wonder if she's here for the bubbly sister part. She's too sophisticated. I think I might be a better fit for the part. I'm more approachable than she is. She looks more like the elegant friend role.

WOMAN 1: So what are you reading for today?

WOMAN 1 (VOICEOVER): The sister. You?

WOMAN 1: Same.

WOMAN 2: It seems like only the three of us were chosen for a second callback. It's so nerve wracking.


WOMAN 1 (VOICEOVER): The three, lipstick girl, someone else and me. I've got a solid shot at this. Lipstick girl can sing, I remember that. But she doesn't seem all that athletic. There's that scene in the barn, the sister does a cartwheel. I know I've got that down. I wonder if mystery girl is trying out now.



Whoa, she seems really confident. I bet she did well. I really hope I'm as well prepared as she seems.