[TITLE] Integrating

00:06 [MAN and three WOMEN sit at a restaurant table] WOMAN #3: This place is so cute. It smells so delicious. How did you guys hear about it?

00:11 WOMAN #2: We met this really sweet couple in Italy --

00:13 WOMAN #1: Yeah, just by chance.

00:13 WOMAN #3: Italy!

00:15 WOMAN #2: Yeah, and they told us about this place.

00:16 WOMAN #3: I am so jealous that you got to go. I need to see your pictures.

00:19 WOMAN #2: Oh yeah!

00:20 WOMAN #1: We took hundreds. We'll definitely show them to you.

00:22 WOMAN #2: I love the ones of you at the beach.

00:24 WOMAN #1: Oh, I know. And the ones in Rome were just beautiful.

00:27 WOMAN #2: Gorgeous.

00:28 WOMAN #1: Absolutely.

00:30 WOMAN #3: Dave, you have a trip coming up, right?

00:31 MAN: Yeah, actually I was supposed to go up to . . . you know Lindsay, right? Lindsay's lake house?

00:35 WOMAN #3: Sure, sure.

00:36 MAN: And I was thinking maybe we could all get together as a clan and go up there. Maybe spend a long weekend.

00:40 WOMEN #1 and #2: Oh, yeah, yeah . . .

00:41 MAN: Like a couple weeks?

00:43 WOMAN #2: Yeah, when were you thinking?

00:44 MAN: Like maybe in exactly two weeks from Saturday?

00:46 WOMAN #1: Two weeks. Okay.

00:47 MAN: Long weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

00:48 WOMAN #3: I'm open.

00:49 WOMAN #1: We were going to go drive up to see my parents that weekend, but --

00:52 WOMAN #2: If you call your mom and have her switch things around . . .

00:54 WOMAN #1: -- I'm sure she wouldn't be, you know . . .

00:56 WOMAN#2: We'll check our calendar and talk it over.

00:58 MAN: Well, I'd like for you to work it out, you know, because it would be cool. It would be fun.

00:59 WOMAN #2: Yeah, it would be great.

01:00 WOMAN #1: Yeah, it sounds like fun.

01:01 MAN: Yeah, totally.

01:01 WOMAN #3: Is there enough room for all of us?

01:02 MAN: Oh yeah.

01:03 WOMAN #2: It would be fun to get away. We haven't done that in so long.

01:03 [simultaneously with above line] MAN: Yeah, it's a duplex type of thing. It's really big. It's right by the water, too. It's really cool.

01:09 WOMAN #1: Sounds beautiful.

01:09 WOMAN #3: That sounds great.

01:10 WOMAN #2: Have you been up there?

01:10 WOMAN #1: No, not yet. I could use a getaway, though. [Fade to black.]

01:14 [TEXT ONSCREEN] Integrating: A relational stage in which two people become a couple and begin to share an identity.