00:01 [ONSCREEN] Advocacy

00:06 [BOSS sits at desk speaking on the phone.] BOSS: Yes, Paul. Alright, take care. [EMPLOYEE enters and stands in front of desk] Bye bye.

00:10 EMPLOYEE: Mr. Watson, I wanted to talk to you about Ford.

00:13 BOSS: Okay.

00:13 EMPLOYEE: Um, he's one of my best employees, and I don't think you should let him go.

00:18 BOSS: Um...

00:19 EMPLOYEE: Now, listen, I know his sales in the last quarter were below average, but, you know, he's been training new employees. I'm not sure if you were aware of that. For the past three years, he's had the second highest sales in the division. So, honestly, he's a great guy, and I think he's a valuable asset to the company. I think you should reconsider.

00:39 BOSS: Alright, well, I appreciate that. I will contact some people, because I'm [not] the only decision maker, and I will let you know.

00:47 EMPLOYEE: Great.

00:48 BOSS: But, thank you.

00:49 EMPLOYEE: Thank you. [EMPLOYEE leaves and BOSS picks up the phone and dials]

00:51 [ONSCREEN] Advocacy: Communication from a subordinate intended to influence a superior in an organization.