Professional Clip 18: Naomi Wolf, 2000 Scripps College Commencement

And, too often young people are taught that all truths are relative and that right and wrong are merely “cultural constructs.” And, this really generates a kind of profound sense of bleakness as these young people begin to step out in the world. So, moving to a kind of brighter direction that we can look at on this very bright day, in response to this, I started looking around for other examples and models of leadership. And, I began to see something pretty extraordinary as I began reading the work both of the sort of demigods and not-so-great leaders of the past and the great leaders, the individuals who sparked that kind of transformation that makes us hope for real change. And, I began to see some real patterns, that there were certain things ethical leaders really did again and again and again, culture after culture, time after time. And, what I would like to say to you today when I talk about what these three things are that they tend to do, is that, because of people like this embracing these models of leadership, the world really has changed. In the last eight years since I was last here, the world has changed in many ways for the better, for women. And, if we look back at the last 150 years, the world has changed for the better—movements against child labor, movements for abolition, women's movements, the Civil Rights movements. Great reforms had created extraordinary change.