Next, let us look at a popular story from Winston Churchill. Churchill spent a lot of his life in politics - doesn't mean he particularly cared for them. On one event, he was sitting in the House of The Commons, listening to a rather verbose and lengthy lecture upon the Brussel sprouts crops that year in England - something I'm sure you all are very interested in. It was when he turned around behind him, he noticed an older gentleman who was partially deaf, and he had his hearing horn, and he was leaning close, as though to hear the lecture on Brussel sprouts. It was then that Churchill turned around and said, "Sir, use your disability to your advantage!" seeing that he was bored out of his mind, but this man didn't have to be. Now, again, Churchill saw disability - but rather than a disability, rather than an iron wall to stop this man from suffering from not hearing, Churchill saw it as an advantage.