00:02 [TITLE] Defensive listening

00:08 [EMPLOYEE approaches MANAGER (male), who is sitting at a desk writing. [We don't know the gender of the EMPLOYEE] EMPLOYEE: Hey, John, sorry.  I just got a call from the sportswear client.  He was --

00:12 [stops writing] MANAGER: The sportswear client.  I have a million clients.  Which sportswear client?

00:16 EMPLOYEE: David Eckert is our contact there.  The one we're doing the print ad for that's due next week.  Anyway, he was upset because he thought that our draft of the first print out --

00:26 MANAGER: Wait, wait, wait. He's upset and you're telling me because he thought?  If he wanted something different, why didn't you just fix it?

00:31 EMPLOYEE: Well, no, no. I asked him what he wanted us to do differently.  He said the logo was the wrong size and that we had --

00:38 MANAGER: Did you discuss in the beginning of this whole interaction what size you wanted the logo at?

00:42 EMPLOYEE: Well, I didn't know at first why he was so mad.

00:44 MANAGER: That's very important.  The logo size is important.  Why wouldn't he be mad?  You don't think he should be mad?

00:48 EMPLOYEE: No, no, no. I just wasn't expecting it because I thought that we had given him generally what he wanted.

00:53 MANAGER: I need you to expect all variables.  That's what I need for you to do. 

00:56 EMPLOYEE: Right.

00:57 MANAGER: As my assistant....

[TEXT ONSCREEN] Defensive listening: Responding with aggression and arguing with the speaker without fully listening to the message.