My purpose for being in college is to have a good foundation to make sure I have the doors open for me when I want to figure out what I want to do. I don't know what I want to do yet. But when I figure it out, I'll be able to have the opportunities to accomplish whatever I want.

I came to college because I don't know what I want to do yet. But when I figure it out, when I know what I want to do, I'll have the doors open for me for when I want to go into my profession of whatever I choose or whatever I want to do. I'll have the opportunity and the resources to do it whatever I want to.

During my first year at college, mainly the only thing I really have a goal for is to do well, have a good steady B, A average, so for a cushion if I have a really hard class or just, if I'm doing well in class, then just go off from there.

I'm a part of the Student African-American Brotherhood, SAAB. We do a lot of community service. And it's helping me have the brothers to help me out with studying, making sure I know these teachers. If, hey, I have a question about the test that this teacher gives, can you give you some tips, they can help me out with that.

I chose psychology because people are weird. I want to know why. I just enjoy working with people and talking to people, talking with people, and figuring out their history and how it relates to their life in the present day.

And my Intro to Psych class really just skims over the top of that. It gives you a really intrigue, it teases you about your interest and your curiosity about the mind. But when you want to go deeper into it, you take those deeper classes, the more advanced classes. And I can't wait to get to those.

I'm planning on transferring to another school within the spring most likely next year. And all I know is that I need to go to my counselor, sit down, and say, how do we make this happen? How can we make it so that I'm there next year by next year? I don't know any of the aspects or anything like that for it. But I know that I just need to sit down and have a discussion.

Despite all of my hardships and struggles in high school, in college now I'm setting clear-cut goals for tests, projects, all that. And I'm accomplishing all those goals to make sure I get all of that I need to done.