Presenting a PechaKucha

PechaKucha—from Japanese: , “chitchat”—is a special form of presentation with a set structure: twenty slides, each of which advances automatically after twenty seconds, for a total time of 6:40. Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, architects in Tokyo, invented PechaKucha in 2003 because they felt that “architects talk too much” about their own work; they wanted to design a way to keep the presentations succinct and crisp. From this professional presentation format grew “PechaKucha nights” where people can share their work in a relaxed and supportive, if sometimes also competitive, atmosphere. Some college instructors are now inviting students to try their hands at constructing a PechaKucha as a way of presenting ideas to classmates. If you have an opportunity to create a PechaKucha, here are a few tips: