Source Map: Articles in print periodicals in MLA style

Source Map: Articles in Print Periodicals

Articles in Print Periodicals

image Author. List the last name first. End with a period. For variations, see models 2–6.

image Article title. Put the title and any subtitle in quotation marks; capitalize all major words. Place a period inside the closing quotation mark.

image Periodical title. Italicize the title; capitalize all major words. Omit any initial A, An, or The.

image Volume and issue / Date of publication. For journals, give the volume number and issue number (if any), separated by a period; then list the year in parentheses and follow it with a colon.

For magazines, list the day (if given), month, and year.

image Page numbers. List inclusive page numbers. If the article skips pages, put the first page number and a plus sign. End with a period.

image Medium. Give the medium (Print). End with a period.

A citation for the article pictured below would look like this:

Quart, Alissa. “Lost Media, Found Media: Snapshots from the Future of Writing.” Columbia Journalism Review May/June 2008: 30-34. Print.

© Courtesy of Columbia Journalism Review and Alissa Quart