Source Map: Books in CSE style

Source Map: Books


Note that, depending on whether you are using the citation-sequence or citation-name format or the name-year format, the date placement will vary.

image Author. List author(s) last name first, and use initials for first and middle names, with no periods or spaces. Use a period only after the last initial of the last author.

image , image Publication year. In name-year format, put the year of publication immediately after the author name(s). In citation-sequence or citation-name format, put the year of publication after the publisher’s name.

image Title. Do not italicize or put quotation marks around titles and subtitles of books. Capitalize only the first word of the title and any proper nouns or proper adjectives. If an edition number is given, list it after the title.

image City of publication and publisher. List the city of publication (and the country or state abbreviation for unfamiliar cities) followed by a colon. Give the publisher’s name. In citation-sequence or citation-name format, follow with a semicolon. In name-year format, follow with a period.

A citation for the book pictured below would look like this:


1. Creighton TE. Proteins: structures and molecular properties. 2nd ed. New York: WH Freeman; 1993.


Creighton TE. 1993. Proteins: structures and molecular properties. 2nd ed. New York: WH Freeman.

Title and copyright pages from Proteins: Structures and Molecular Properties, Second Edition, by Thomas E. Creighton. Copyright © 1993 by W. H. Freeman and Company. Used by permission.