Source Map: Works from databases in CSE style

Source Map: Articles from Databases

Articles from Databases

Note that date placement will vary depending on whether you are using the citation-sequence or citation-name format or the name-year format.

image Author. List author(s) last name first, and use only initials for first and middle names.

image , image Publication date. For name-year format, put publication date after author name(s). In citation-sequence or citation-name format, put it after periodical title. Use year only (for journals) or year month day (for other periodicals).

image Article title. Capitalize first word and proper nouns/adjectives.

image Periodical title. Capitalize major words. Abbreviate journal titles. Follow with [Internet] and a period.

image Date of access. In brackets, write cited and the year, month, and day. End with a semicolon.

image Publication information for article. Give volume number, issue number (in parentheses), and a colon.

image Page numbers. Give page range. End with a period.

image Name of database. End with a period.

image Publication information for database. Include the city, the state abbreviation in parentheses, a colon, the publisher’s name, and a period.

image Web address and document number. Write Available from and the brief URL, then Document no. and the identifying number.

A citation for the article pictured below would look like this:


1. Miller AL. Epidemiology, etiology, and natural treatment of seasonal affective disorder. Altern Med Rev [Internet]. 2005 [accessed 2014 25 May]; 10(1): 5–13. Academic Search Premier. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO. Available from Document No.: 16514813.


Miller AL. 2005. Epidemiology, etiology, and natural treatment of seasonal affective disorder. Altern Med Rev [Internet]. [accessed 2014 25 May]; 10(1): 5–13. Academic Search Premier. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO. Available from Document No.: 16514813.

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