[Open index in supp window]
backing (evidence), in argument, 146–47, 148
bad, badly, 612–13, 752
bandwagon appeals, 150
bare, bear, 752
bar graphs, 269. See also visuals and media
base form, 567–69, 572–73 The form of a verb listed in a dictionary (go).
BCE, BC, 737
be, forms of
agreement with subjects, 590–97
as helping verbs, 534
as irregular verbs, 569, 574
as linking verbs, 550
and passive voice, 570
overuse, 85
wordiness and, 680–81
bear, bare, 752
because of, due to, 752
begging the question, 151
being as, being that, 752
believing and doubting game, 141
beside, besides, 752
between, among, 751–52
in arguments, 142
stereotypes, 360–66, 606
annotated, 214–15
APA style, 458–82
CSE style, 520–30
Chicago style, 494–95, 498–512
as library resources, 206
MLA style, 403–4
working, 213–14
biographical resources, 199, 202
black, Black, 363
block comparisons, 52
block quotations. See quotations, long
APA style, 478
Chicago style, 508
MLA style, 431, 434
for exploring a topic, 45
as public writing, 248, 346
as research logs, 197–98
boldface, in headings, 268
bookmarking (online), 207
capitalizing titles, 733
APA style, 463–67
Chicago style, 498–503
CSE style, 520–25
MLA style, 416–21
finding, 205–6
italics for titles, 743
both . . . and. See correlative conjunctions
both, several, 563–64
brackets, 226, 235–36, 721–22
brainstorming, 40–41, 196
brake, break, 753
breath, breathe, 753
bring, take, 753
British, English, 365
British vocabulary and spelling, 370, 398
browsers, Web, 207
business writing, 322–30
abbreviations in, 737–38
audience for, 323, 354–59
email, 21–22, 323
global communication, 354–59
letters, 325–26, 358–59
memos, 323–24
Quick Help, 323, 325
reading for, 322
résumés, 327–29
sample student writing
cover letter, 326
memo, 324
résumés, 327–29
but. See coordinating conjunctions
but that, but what, 752
but yet, 752