Country A and country B both have the production function
Y = F(K, L) = K1/2L1/2.
What is the per‑worker production function, y = f(k)?
zDLDq9whX4scuoH+hjZhVrGGm0Sw22+F6cIBVDYNuvnXgLc1+CLUsOYjIrsMVnomiNKciihKmIijUaT/u0tVdxYTcSofSM3VK3qJAlPfbqB4cfCq/5CCZDFJ64wofeGAs/8CcZbn4ST9YcoMefqUiqK2MEW0XeT+rlyFxQXNDcAUOqFk7WAJElnes/GUBgvp27OmF1SU+FM4kNIdQEroWYm2isZuL2WXR8oPKE/pr/+ei+gv1jrt04u3tilfptqfCeWBtoZHJugZr+6SCountry A and country B both have the production function
Y = F(K, L) = K1/2L1/2.
Assume that neither country experiences population growth or technological progress and that 5 percent of capital depreciates each year. Assume further that country A saves 10 percent of output each year and country B saves 20 percent of output each year. Using your answer from part (b) and the steady-state condition that investment equals depreciation, find the steady-state level of capital per worker for each country. Then find the steady-state levels of income per worker and consumption per worker.
Country A:
k* = h4XZagboIgc=
y* = XvVM00l89Is=
c* = 6f01gzqc24U=
Country B:
k* = zhw5AiG32jY=
y* = h4XZagboIgc=
c* = KilC+r3ZaYg=
Country A and country B both have the production function
Y = F(K, L) = K1/2L1/2.
Suppose that both countries start off with a capital stock per worker of 2. What are the levels of income per worker and consumption per worker? Round your answers to two decimal places.
Country A:
y = K2wR3/CrVEc=
c = 0sdXBA03L1M=
Country B:
y = K2wR3/CrVEc=
c = Af8a/bMTV+8=