How to use the menus and tabs
Finding help in A Writer’s Reference is easy.
When you open up your handbook the first thing you’ll see is the main menu inside the front cover.
The main menu displays the contents in a straightforward, helpful way.
Say your instructor wrote on a recent draft something like “Use active verbs,” and you want to find out how to edit your writing for active verbs. First, scan the menu for your topic. Here it is. W tab, section 3.
Once you find the right section in the main menu, use the tabs that separate each section to find the topic you need. For example, flip to the W tab, and you’ll see it has its own tab menu on the back side.
The detailed menu appears inside the back cover of the book. This menu breaks down the main sections into subsections so you find answers to specific questions.
Say you’re assigned to write an argument paper and you’re not sure how to approach it. Maybe the handbook has a sample paper? I’d try looking for that as a first step.
The detailed menu lists a chapter called “Writing arguments.” The handbook does include a sample argument essay in section A4.
Knowing how to use the menus and tabs throughout the book will definitely come in handy as you use your handbook more and more.