Directory to MLA in-text citation models

general guidelines for signal phrases and page numbers

  1. Author named in a signal phrase
  2. Author named in parentheses
  3. Author unknown
  4. Page number unknown
  5. One-page source
  6. variations on the general guidelines

  7. Two or three authors
  8. Four or more authors
  9. Organization as author
  10. Authors with the same last name
  11. Two or more works by the same author
  12. Two or more works in one citation
  13. Repeated citations from the same source
  14. Encyclopedia or dictionary entry
  15. Multivolume work
  16. Entire work
  17. Selection in an anthology
  18. Government document
  19. Historical document
  20. Legal source
  21. Visual such as a table, a chart, or another graphic
  22. Personal communication and social media
  23. Web source
  24. Indirect source (source quoted in another source)
  25. literary works and sacred texts

  26. Literary work without parts or line numbers
  27. Verse play or poem
  28. Novel with numbered divisions
  29. Sacred text