P10-b: Other terms

P10-bItalicize other terms according to convention.

Ships, spacecraft, and aircraft

Queen Mary 2, Endeavour, Wright Flyer

The success of the Soviets’ Sputnik energized the US space program.

Foreign words

Shakespeare’s Falstaff is a comic character known for both his excessive drinking and his general joie de vivre.

exception: Do not italicize foreign words that have become a standard part of the English language—“laissez-faire,” “fait accompli,” “modus operandi,” and “per diem,” for example.

Words mentioned as words, letters mentioned as letters, and numbers mentioned as numbers

Tomás assured us that the chemicals could probably be safely mixed, but his probably stuck in our minds.

Some toddlers have trouble pronouncing the letters f and s.

A big 3 was painted on the stage door.

note: Quotation marks may be used instead of italics to set off words mentioned as words. (See P5-d.)