P7-b: Words that sound alike

P7-bDiscriminate between words that sound alike but have different meanings.

Words that sound alike or nearly alike but have different meanings and spellings are called homophones. The following sets of words are commonly confused. A careful writer will double-check their every use. (See also the glossary of usage, W1.)

affect (verb: to exert an influence)

effect (verb: to accomplish; noun: result)

its (possessive pronoun: of or belonging to it)

it’s (contraction of it is or it has)

loose (adjective: free, not securely attached)

lose (verb: to fail to keep, to be deprived of )

principal (adjective: most important; noun: head of a school)

principle (noun: a fundamental guideline or truth)

their (possessive pronoun: belonging to them)

they’re (contraction of they are)

there (adverb: that place or position)

who’s (contraction of who is or who has)

whose (possessive form of who)

your (possessive pronoun: belonging to you)

you’re (contraction of you are)