Chapter 6. Exercise C1-6


You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise C1-6
Thesis statements

In each pair, click on the passage that answers the question about the paper described.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


Question 6.1

Correct. This statement expresses a debatable point that can be supported in a two-to-five-page argument paper.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too factual; it does not express the writer’s position on the issue.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.2

Correct. This statement asserts an idea that can be developed into a concise analysis.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too broad for a four-to-eight-page essay and too factual for an analysis paper.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.3

Correct. This statement asserts a clear position that the writer can support in an argument essay.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. Although it asserts the writer’s position, this statement (especially the phrase by supporting state governments) is too vague.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.4

Correct. This statement makes an assertion that can be fully developed and supported with research.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too factual; it does not make an assertion that can be developed into a research paper.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.5

Correct. This statement asserts a position and suggests that the writer will show how elements of the advertisement communicate its message.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too factual; it does not assert a position or suggest an analysis.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.6

Correct. This statement asserts a position and keeps the focus on the topic, not on the writer.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. Although this statement expresses the writer’s opinion, it uses the first person (I, my) rather than keeping the focus on the topic.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.7

Correct. This statement asserts a debatable opinion that can be developed in an argument essay.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement simply conveys a fact. It does not assert a debatable position.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.8

Correct. This statement is stronger because it limits the analysis to a discussion of Steinbeck’s style and not the entire novel.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too broad. It does not assert an idea that can be limited to four to eight pages.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.9

Correct. This statement expresses a focused idea that can be developed and supported with research. It also previews the three-part organization of the paper.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too vague and cannot be developed effectively into a research paper.
For more help, see section C1-c.

Question 6.10

Correct. This statement clearly asserts a position that can be supported in a one-to-three-page letter.
For more help, see section C1-c.
Sorry. This statement is too factual; it does not assert a debatable position.
For more help, see section C1-c.