Article in a monthly magazine (print)

Works cited entry

Fay, J. Michael. “Land of the Surfing Hippos.” National Geographic Aug. 2004: 100+. Print.

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List, in order, separated by periods, the following:

  • the author’s name

  • the title of the article, in quotation marks

  • the title of the magazine, italicized

  • the month and year (abbreviating the names of the months except May, June, and July), followed by a colon

  • the page numbers on which the article appears

  • the medium (“Print”)

Directory to MLA works cited models

Citation at a glance: Article in a periodical (MLA)

Exercise: MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 1

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 2

Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 3

Exercise: MLA documentation