APA in-text citations

The APA’s in-text citations provide at least the author’s last name and the date of publication. For direct quotations and some paraphrases, a page number is given as well. APA style requires the year of publication in an in-text citation; do not include a month, even if the entry in the reference list includes the month.

Critser (2003) noted that despite growing numbers of overweight Americans, many health care providers still “remain either in ignorance or outright denial about the health danger to the poor and the young” (p. 5).

For help with representing various types of sources, click the following links or browse the Directory to APA in-text citation models.

General guidelines for citing authors

Variations on citing authors

Citing multiple works

Citing Web sources

Citing other sources

Exercise: APA documentation: in-text citations 1

Exercise: APA documentation: in-text citations 2

Exercise: APA documentation: in-text citations 3