Basic formatting of CSE in-text citations

In-text citation: citation-sequence or citation-name

Scientists are beginning to question the validity of linking genes to a number of human traits and disorders 1.

Entry in the reference list: citation-sequence or citation-name

1. Horgan J. Eugenics revisited. Sci Am. 1993;268(6):122-130.

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In-text citation: name-year

Scientists are beginning to question the validity of linking genes to a number of human traits and disorders (Horgan 1993).


  • In the name-year system, the author’s name and the date are given in parentheses in the text of the paper.

  • Alternatively, the author’s name can be given in a signal phrase and the date in parentheses.

  • For two authors, use “and” between the last names.

  • For three or more authors, give the first author’s name followed by “et al.” (for “and others”).

  • In the parenthetical citation, use no comma between the author’s name and the date.

Entry in the reference list: name-year

Horgan J. 1993. Eugenics revisited. Sci Am. 268(6):122-130.

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NOTE: In-text citations in the CSE name-year system use similar formatting to APA in-text citations.

Related topics:

Mentioning the author in the text

Referring to a specific part of the source

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