Work of art (on the web) (MLA)

Works cited entry


Clough, Charles. January Twenty-First. 1988-89. Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha,


For a work of art found on the web, include the following:

  • the artist’s name
  • the title of the artwork, italicized
  • the date of composition
  • the institution and city in which the artwork is located
  • the title of the website, italicized (unless the title is the same as the institution name)
  • the URL

NOTE: When a URL must be divided at the end of a line, break it before a period or a hyphen or after any other mark of punctuation. Do not insert a hyphen at the end of the line.

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Related works cited entries:

Work of art (original)

Work of art (digital file)

Work of art (reproduction—print)