Citation-sequence and citation-name
9. Wald M. Scientists call for new sources of critical elements. New York Times (New York Ed.). 2011 Feb 19;B5 (col. 1).
Additional example, annotated
After the name of the newspaper, give the edition name in parentheses, the date of publication, the section letter (or number), the page number, and the column number.
If the newspaper does not have section designations, use a colon between the date and the page number.
Use three-letter abbreviations for all months.
Wald M. 2011 Feb 19. Scientists call for new sources of critical elements. New York Times (New York Ed.). B5 (col. 1).
Additional example, annotated
After the author’s name, give the year, month, and day of publication.
Use three-letter abbreviations for all months.
After the name of the newspaper, give the edition name in parentheses, followed by the section letter (or number), the page number, and the column number.
If the newspaper does not have section designations, give only the page number.
Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.
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