Book part (introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword) (Chicago)



15. Alice Walker, afterword to The Indispensable Zinn: The Essential Writings of the “People’s Historian,” by Howard Zinn, ed. Timothy Patrick McCarthy (New York: New Press, 2012), 373.


Walker, Alice. Afterword to The Indispensable Zinn: The Essential Writings of the “People’s Historian,” by Howard Zinn, 371-76. Edited by Timothy Patrick McCarthy. New York: New Press, 2012.


  • Begin with the person who wrote the book part. Then give a label for the part (“afterword,” “preface,” and so on in the note; “Afterword,” “Preface,” and so on in the bibliography) and the title of the book.
  • In the note, follow the title with a comma, the word “by,” and the author of the book. Add any other information about the book, such as an editor (as in the example) or a translator. Add the page number(s) you are citing at the end of the note.
  • In the bibliography, follow the book title with a comma, the word “by,” the author of the book, and the page number(s) on which the book part appears. After a period, list any other information about the book, such as an editor (as in the example) or a translator. End with the publication information.

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