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  1. Although the Roman republic was not a democracy, its nonelite citizens were an important political force. What evidence can you find in Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law and The Gracchan Reforms to support this claim?


    Although the Roman republic was not a democracy, its nonelite citizens were an important political force. What evidence can you find in Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law and The Gracchan Reforms to support this claim?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Although the Roman republic was not a democracy, its nonelite citizens were an important political force. What evidence can you find in Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law and The Gracchan Reforms to support this claim?
  2. How do the documents in this chapter lend support to the argument that the importance of law was a basic Roman value?


    How do the documents in this chapter lend support to the argument that the importance of law was a basic Roman value?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How do the documents in this chapter lend support to the argument that the importance of law was a basic Roman value?
  3. What do both Plutarch and Caesar reveal about the ways in which war shaped Roman society and politics?


    What do both Plutarch and Caesar reveal about the ways in which war shaped Roman society and politics?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What do both Plutarch and Caesar reveal about the ways in which war shaped Roman society and politics?
  4. Imagine that the sculptor of the Roman bust was designing a statue of Caesar. Based on Caesar’s self-portrait in The Gallic War of his actions during the climax of the siege of Alesia, what features do you think the sculptor would include and why?


    Imagine that the sculptor of the Roman bust was designing a statue of Caesar. Based on Caesar’s self-portrait in The Gallic War of his actions during the climax of the siege of Alesia, what features do you think the sculptor would include and why?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Imagine that the sculptor of the Roman bust was designing a statue of Caesar. Based on Caesar’s self-portrait in The Gallic War of his actions during the climax of the siege of Alesia, what features do you think the sculptor would include and why?