
Phosphorylase Is Regulated by Allosteric Interactions and Reversible Phosphorylation

Glycogen degradation is precisely controlled by multiple interlocking mechanisms. The focus of this control is the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase. Phosphorylase is regulated by several allosteric effectors that signal the energy state of the cell as well as by reversible phosphorylation, which is responsive to hormones such as insulin, epinephrine, and glucagon. We will examine the differences in the control of two isozymic forms of glycogen phosphorylase: one specific to liver and one specific to skeletal muscle. These differences are due to the fact that the liver maintains glucose homeostasis of the organism as a whole, whereas the muscle uses glucose to produce energy for itself.

Liver phosphorylase produces glucose for use by other tissues

FIGURE 21.11Phosphorylase regulation. Both phosphorylase b and phosphorylase a exist as equilibria between an active R state and a less-active T state. Phosphorylase b is usually inactive because the equilibrium favors the T state. Phosphorylase a is usually active because the equilibrium favors the R state. Regulatory structures are shown in blue and green.

The dimeric phosphorylase exists in two interconvertible forms: a usually active phosphorylase a and a usually inactive phosphorylase b (Figure 21.10). Each of these two forms exists in equilibrium between an active relaxed (R) state and a much less active tense (T) state, but the equilibrium for phosphorylase a favors the active R state, whereas the equilibrium for phosphorylase b favors the less-active T state (Figure 21.11). The role of glycogen degradation in the liver is to form glucose for export to other tissues when the blood-glucose level is low. Consequently, we can think of the default state of liver phosphorylase as being the a form: glucose is to be generated unless the enzyme is signaled otherwise. The liver phosphorylase a form thus exhibits the most responsive R ↔ T transition (Figure 21.12). The binding of glucose to the active site shifts the a form from the active R state to the less-active T state. In essence, the enzyme reverts to the low-activity T state only when it detects the presence of sufficient glucose. If glucose is present in the diet, there is no need to degrade glycogen.

FIGURE 21.10 Structures of phosphorylase a and phosphorylase b. Phosphorylase a is phosphorylated on serine 14 of each subunit. This modification favors the structure of the more-active R state. One subunit is shown in white, with helices and loops important for regulation shown in blue and red. The other subunit is shown in yellow, with the regulatory structures shown in orange and green. Phosphorylase b is not phosphorylated and exists predominantly in the T state. Notice that the catalytic sites are partly occluded in the T state.
[Drawn from 1GPA.pdb and 1NOJ.pdb.]


FIGURE 21.12Allosteric regulation of liver phosphorylase. The binding of glucose to phosphorylase a shifts the equilibrium to the T state and inactivates the enzyme. Thus, glycogen is not mobilized when glucose is already abundant.


Muscle phosphorylase is regulated by the intracellular energy charge

FIGURE 21.13Allosteric regulation of muscle phosphorylase. A low energy charge, represented by high concentrations of AMP, favors the transition to the R state. ATP and glucose 6-phosphate stabilize the T state.

In contrast to the liver isozyme, the default state of muscle phosphorylase is the b form, owing to the fact that, for muscle, phosphorylase must be active primarily during muscle contraction. Muscle phosphorylase b is activated by the presence of high concentrations of AMP, which binds to a nucleotide-binding site and stabilizes the conformation of phosphorylase b in the active R state (Figure 21.13). Thus, when a muscle contracts and ATP is converted into AMP by the sequential action of myosin (Section 9.4) and adenylate kinase (Section 16.2), the phosphorylase is signaled to degrade glycogen. ATP acts as a negative allosteric effector by competing with AMP. Thus, the transition of phosphorylase b between the active R state and the less-active T state is controlled by the energy charge of the muscle cell. Glucose 6-phosphate also binds at the same site as ATP and stabilizes the less-active state of phosphorylase b, an example of feedback inhibition. Under most physiological conditions, phosphorylase b is inactive because of the inhibitory effects of ATP and glucose 6-phosphate. In contrast, phosphorylase a is fully active, regardless of the levels of AMP, ATP, and glucose 6-phosphate. In resting muscle, nearly all the enzyme is in the inactive b form.

Unlike the enzyme in muscle, the liver phosphorylase is insensitive to regulation by AMP because the liver does not undergo the dramatic changes in energy charge seen in a contracting muscle. We see here a clear example of the use of isozymes to establish the tissue-specific biochemical properties of the liver and muscle. In human beings, liver phosphorylase and muscle phosphorylase are approximately 90% identical in amino acid sequence, yet the 10% difference results in subtle but important shifts in the stability of various forms of the enzyme.

Biochemical characteristics of muscle fiber types differ

Not only do the biochemical needs of liver and muscle differ with respect to glycogen metabolism, but the biochemical needs of different muscle fiber types also vary. Skeletal muscle consists of three different fiber types: type I, or slow-twitch muscle; type IIb (also called type IIx), or fast-twitch fibers; and type IIa fibers that have properties intermediate between the other two fiber types. Type I fibers rely predominantly on cellular respiration to derive energy. These fibers are powered by fatty acid degradation and are rich in mitochondria, the site of fatty acid degradation and the citric acid cycle. As we will see in Chapter 22, fatty acids are an excellent energy storage form, but generating ATP from fatty acids is slower than from glycogen. Glycogen is not an important fuel for type I fibers, and consequently the amount of glycogen phosphorylase is low. Type I fibers power endurance activities. Type IIb fibers use glycogen as their main fuel. Consequently, the glycogen and glycogen phosphorylase are abundant. These fibers are also rich in glycolytic enzymes needed to process glucose quickly in the absence of oxygen and poor in mitochondria. Type IIb fibers power burst activities such as sprinting and weight lifting. No amount of training can interconvert type I fibers and type IIb fibers. However, there is some evidence that type IIa fibers are “trainable”; that is, endurance training enhances the oxidative capacity of type IIa fibers while burst activity training enhances the glycolytic capacity. Table 21.1 shows the biochemical profile of the fiber types.

TABLE 21.1 Biochemical characteristics of muscle fiber types


Type I  

Type IIa  

Type IIb  

Fatigue resistance




Mitochondrial density




Metabolic type




Myoglobin content




Glycogen content




Triacylglycerol content




Glycogen phosphorylase activity




Phosphofructokinase activity




Citrate synthase activity





Phosphorylation promotes the conversion of phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a

In both liver and muscle, phosphorylase b is converted into phosphorylase a by the phosphorylation of a single serine residue (serine 14) in each subunit. This conversion is initiated by hormones. Low blood levels of glucose lead to the secretion of the hormone glucagon. Fear or the excitement of exercise will cause levels of the hormone epinephrine to increase. The rise in glucagon and epinephrine levels results in phosphorylation of the enzyme to the phosphorylase a form in liver and muscle respectively. The regulatory enzyme phosphorylase kinase catalyzes this covalent modification.

Comparison of the structures of phosphorylase a in the R state and phosphorylase b in the T state reveals that subtle structural changes at the subunit interfaces are transmitted to the active sites (Figure 21.10). The transition from the T state (the prevalent state of phosphorylase b) to the R state (the prevalent state of phosphorylase a) entails a 10-degree rotation around the twofold axis of the dimer. Most important, this transition is associated with structural changes in α helices that move a loop out of the active site of each subunit. Thus, the T state is less active because the catalytic site is partly blocked. In the R state, the catalytic site is more accessible and a binding site for orthophosphate is well organized.

Phosphorylase kinase is activated by phosphorylation and calcium ions

Phosphorylase kinase activates phosphorylase b by attaching a phosphoryl group. The subunit composition of phosphorylase kinase in skeletal muscle is (αβγδ)4, and the mass of this very large protein is 1300 kDa. The enzyme consists of two (αβγδ)2 lobes that are joined by a β4 bridge that is the core of the enzyme and serves as a scaffold for the remaining subunits. The γ subunit contains the active site, while all of the remaining subunits (≈90% by mass) play regulatory roles. The δ subunit is the calcium binding protein calmodulin, a calcium sensor that stimulates many enzymes in eukaryotes (Section 14.1). The α and β subunits are targets of protein kinase A. The β subunit is phosphorylated first, followed by the phosphorylation of the α subunit.

Activation of phosphorylase kinase is initiated when Ca2+ binds to the δ subunit. This mode of activation of the kinase is especially noteworthy in muscle, where contraction is triggered by the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Figure 21.14). Maximal activation is achieved with the phosphorylation of the β and α subunits of the Ca2+-bound kinase. The stimulation of phosphorylase kinase is one step in a signal-transduction cascade initiated by signal molecules such as glucagon and epinephrine.

FIGURE 21.14Activation of phosphorylase kinase. Phosphorylase kinase, an (αβγδ)4 assembly, is partly activated by Ca2+ binding to the δ subunit. Activation is maximal when the β and α subunits are phosphorylated in response to hormonal signals. When active, the enzyme converts phosphorylase b into phosphorylase a.


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