Theories of Human Development

As you read earlier in this chapter, the scientific method begins with observations, questions, and theories (Step 1). That leads to specific hypotheses that can be tested (Step 2). A theory is a comprehensive and organized explanation of many phenomena; a hypothesis is more limited and may be proven false. Theories are generalities; hypotheses are specific.

developmental theory

A group of ideas, assumptions, and generalizations that interpret and illuminate thousands of observations about human growth. A developmental theory provides a framework for explaining the patterns and problems of development.

Theories sharpen perceptions and organize the thousands of behaviors we observe every day. Each developmental theory is a systematic statement of principles and generalizations, providing a framework for understanding how and why people change over the life span.

Imagine building a house from a heap of lumber, nails, and other materials. Without a plan and workers, the heap cannot become a home. Likewise, observations of human development are raw materials, but theories put them together. Kurt Lewin (1943) once quipped, “Nothing is as practical as a good theory.”

Dozens of such theories appear throughout this text. The five theories about to be explained are chosen because each provides a comprehensive, influential, and somewhat distinctive view of human development. Many social scientists are strongly influenced by other theories, as you will see.

Psychoanalytic Theory

psychoanalytic theory

A theory of human development that holds that irrational, unconscious drives and motives, often originating in childhood, underlie human behavior.

Inner drives and motives are the foundation of psychoanalytic theory. These basic underlying forces are thought to influence every aspect of thinking and behavior, from the smallest details of daily life to the crucial choices of a lifetime.


Freud at Work In addition to being the world’s first psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud was a prolific writer. His many papers and case histories, primarily descriptions of his patients’ symptoms and sexual urges, helped make the psychoanalytic perspective a dominant force for much of the twentieth century.

FREUD’S STAGES Psychoanalytic theory originated with Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), an Austrian physician who treated patients suffering from mental illness. He listened to their dreams and fantasies and constructed an elaborate, multifaceted theory.

According to Freud, development in the first six years occurs in three stages, each characterized by sexual pleasure centered on a particular part of the body. Infants experience the oral stage because their erotic body part is the mouth, followed by the anal stage in early childhood, with the focus on the anus. In the preschool years (the phallic stage), the penis becomes a source of pride and fear for boys and a reason for sadness and envy for girls.

In middle childhood comes latency, a quiet period that ends with the genital stage at puberty. Freud thought that the genital stage continued throughout adulthood, which makes him the most famous theorist who thought that development stopped after puberty (see Table 1.4). As you remember, this assumption is no longer held by developmentalists.

Freud maintained that at each stage, sensual satisfaction (from the mouth, anus, or genitals) is linked to developmental needs, challenges, and conflicts. How people experience and resolve these conflicts—especially those related to weaning (oral), toilet training (anal), male roles (phallic), and sexual pleasure (genital)—determines personality patterns because “the early stages provide the foundation for adult behavior” (Salkind, 2004, p. 125).

No Choking During the oral stage, children put everything in their mouths, as Freud recognized and as 12-month-old Harper Vasquez does here. Toy manufacturers and lawyers know this, too, which is why many toy packages say “Choking hazard: small parts, not appropriate for children under age 3.”
A Legendary Couple In his first 30 years, Erikson never fit into a particular local community, since he frequently changed nations, schools, and professions. Then he met Joan. In their first five decades of marriage, they raised a family and wrote several books. If he had published his theory at age 73 (when this photograph was taken) instead of in his 40s, would he still have described life as a series of crises?

ERIKSON’S STAGES Many of Freud’s followers became famous theorists themselves. The most notable for our study of human development was Erik Erikson (1902–1994), who described eight developmental stages, each characterized by a challenging crisis (summarized in Table 1.4). Although Erikson’s first five stages build on Freud’s theory, he also described three adult stages, perhaps because he saw himself changed with several adult shifts in context. He was a wandering artist in Italy, a teacher in Austria, and a Harvard professor in the United States.


Erikson named two polarities at each stage (which is why the word versus is used in each), but he recognized that many outcomes between these opposites are possible (Erikson, 1993). For most people, development at each stage leads to neither extreme.

For instance, the generativity-versus-stagnation stage of adulthood rarely involves a person who is totally stagnant—no children, no work, no creativity. Instead, most adults are somewhat stagnant and somewhat generative. As the dynamic-systems theory would predict, the balance may shift year by year.

Erikson, like Freud, believed that adult problems echo childhood conflicts. For example, an adult who cannot form a secure, close relationship (intimacy versus isolation) may not have resolved the crisis of infancy (trust versus mistrust). However, Erikson’s stages differ significantly from Freud’s in that they emphasize family and culture, not sexual urges. He called his theory epigenetic, partly to stress that genes and biological impulses are powerfully influenced by the social environment.

Table 1.4: Table 1.4 Comparing Stages: Freud and Erikson
Approximate Age Freud (Psychosexual) Erikson (Psychosocial)
Birth to 1 year

Oral Stage

The lips, tongue, and gums are the focus of pleasurable sensations in the baby’s body, and sucking and feeding are the most stimulating activities.

Trust vs. Mistrust

Babies either trust that others will care for their basic needs, including nourishment, warmth, cleanliness, and physical contact, or develop mistrust about the care of others.

1–3 years

Anal Stage

The anus is the focus of pleasurable sensations in the baby’s body, and toilet training is the most important activity.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Children either become self-sufficient in many activities, including toileting, feeding, walking, exploring, and talking, or doubt their own abilities.

3–6 years

Phallic Stage

The phallus, or penis, is the most important body part, and pleasure is derived from genital stimulation. Boys are proud of their penises; girls wonder why they don’t have one.

Initiative vs. Guilt

Children either want to undertake many adultlike activities or internalize the limits and prohibitions set by parents. They feel either adventurous or guilty.

6–11 years


Not really a stage, latency is an interlude during which sexual needs are quiet and children put psychic energy into conventional activities like schoolwork and sports.

Industry vs. Inferiority

Children busily learn to be competent and productive in mastering new skills or feel inferior, unable to do anything as well as they wish they could.


Genital Stage

The genitals are the focus of pleasurable sensations, and the young person seeks sexual stimulation and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual relationships.

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Adolescents try to figure out “Who am I?” They establish sexual, political, and vocational identities or are confused about what roles to play.

Adulthood Freud believed that the genital stage lasts throughout adulthood. He also said that the goal of a healthy life is “to love and to work.”

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Young adults seek companionship and love or become isolated from others, fearing rejection and disappointment.

Generativity vs. Stagnation

Middle-aged adults contribute to the next generation through meaningful work, creative activities, and raising a family, or they stagnate.

Integrity vs. Despair

Older adults try to make sense out of their lives, either seeing life as a meaningful whole or despairing at goals never reached.




A theory of human development that studies observable behavior. Behaviorism is also called learning theory because it describes the laws and processes by which behavior is learned.

Another influential theory, behaviorism, arose in direct opposition to the psychoanalytic emphasis on unconscious, hidden urges (differences are described in Table 1.5). Behaviorists emphasize nurture, the specific responses from other people and the environment to whatever a developing person does.

Table 1.5: Table 1.5 Psychoanalytic Theory vs. Behaviorism
Area of Disagreement Psychoanalytic Theory Behaviorism
The unconscious Emphasizes unconscious wishes and urges, unknown to the person but powerful all the same Holds that the unconscious not only is unknowable but also may be a destructive fiction that keeps people from changing
Observable behavior Holds that observable behavior is a symptom, not the cause—the tip of an iceberg, with the bulk of the problem submerged Looks only at observable behavior—what a person does rather than what a person thinks, feels, or imagines
Importance of childhood Stresses that early childhood, including infancy, is critical; even if a person does not even remember what happened, the early legacy lingers throughout life Holds that current conditioning is crucial; early habits and patterns can be unlearned, reversed, if appropriate reinforcements and punishments are used
Scientific status Holds that most aspects of human development are beyond the reach of scientific experiment; uses ancient myths, the words of disturbed adults, dreams, play, and poetry as raw material Is proud to be a science, dependent on verifiable data and carefully controlled experiments; discards ideas that sound good but are not proven
An Early Behaviorist John Watson was an early proponent of learning theory. His ideas are still influential and controversial today.

WATSON Early in the twentieth century, John B. Watson (1878–1958) argued that scientists should examine only what they could observe and measure. According to Watson, if psychologists focus on behavior, they will realize that anything can be learned. For this reason, behaviorism is also called learning theory. Watson wrote:

Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race.

[Watson, 1998, p. 82]

Many other psychologists, especially in the United States, agreed. They found that the unconscious motives and drives that Freud described were difficult (or impossible) to verify via the scientific method (Uttal, 2000). For instance, researchers discovered that, contrary to Freud’s view, the parents’ approach to toilet training did not determine a child’s later personality.

For every individual at every age, from newborn to centenarian, behaviorists have identified laws to describe how environmental responses shape what people do. All behavior—from reading a book to robbing a bank, from saying “Good morning” to a stranger to saying “I love you” to a spouse—follows these laws. Every action is learned, step by step.


According to behaviorism, the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place. The word conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice, as when an athlete conditions his or her body by training for a long time.

A Contemporary of Freud Ivan Pavlov was a physiologist who received the Nobel Prize in 1904 for his research on digestive processes. It was this line of study that led to his discovery of classical conditioning, when his research on dog saliva led to insight about learning.

PAVLOV The specific laws of learning apply to conditioning, the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli.


Question 1.21


In appearance, how is Pavlov similar to Freud, and how do both look different from the other theorists pictured?

Both are balding, with white beards. Note also that none of the other theorists in this chapter have beards—a cohort difference, not an ideological one.

More than a century ago, Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936), a Russian medical doctor born in poverty who won a Nobel Prize for his work on digestion, noticed something in his experimental dogs that awakened his curiosity (Step 1 of the scientific method) (Todes, 2014). The dogs drooled not only when they saw and smelled food but also when they heard the footsteps of the attendants who brought the food. This observation led Pavlov to hypotheses and experiments in which he conditioned dogs to salivate when they heard a specific noise (Steps 2 and 3).

Pavlov began by sounding a tone just before presenting food. After a number of repetitions of the tone-then-food sequence, dogs began salivating at the sound, even when there was no food. This simple experiment demonstrated classical conditioning, when a person or animal learns to associate a neutral stimulus (the sound) with a meaningful stimulus (the food), gradually reacting to the neutral stimulus in the same way as to the meaningful one (Step 4). The fact that Pavlov published (Step 5) in Russian is one reason his research took decades to reach the United States (Todes, 2014).

operant conditioning

The learning process by which a particular action is followed by something desired (a reinforcer which makes the person or animal more likely to repeat the action) or by something unwanted (a punishment which makes the action less likely to be repeated). (Also called instrumental conditioning.)

SKINNER One influential North American behaviorist, B. F. Skinner (1904–1990), was inspired by Pavlov (1953). Skinner agreed that classical conditioning explains some behavior. Then he went further, experimenting to demonstrate another type of conditioning, operant conditioning.

In operant conditioning (also called instrumental conditioning), animals (including humans) perform some action and then a response occurs. If the response is useful or pleasurable, the animal is likely to repeat the action; if the response is painful, the animal is not likely to repeat the action. In both cases, the animal has learned.

Pleasant consequences are sometimes called rewards, and unpleasant consequences are sometimes called punishments. Behaviorists hesitate to use those words, however, because what people think of as punishment can actually be a reward, and vice versa.

For example, how should a parent punish a child? Withholding dessert? Spanking? Not letting them play? Speaking harshly? If a child hates that dessert, being deprived of it is actually a reward, not a punishment. Another child might not mind a spanking, especially if he or she craves parental attention. For that child, the intended punishment (spanking) is actually a reward (attention).

Any consequence that follows a behavior and makes the person (or animal) likely to repeat that behavior is called a reinforcement, not a reward. Once a behavior has been conditioned, humans and other creatures will repeat it even if reinforcement occurs only occasionally. Similarly, an unpleasant response makes a creature less likely to repeat a certain action.

Rats, Pigeons, and People B. F. Skinner is best known for his experiments with rats and pigeons, but he also applied his knowledge to human behavior. For his daughter, he designed a glass-enclosed crib in which controlling temperature, humidity, and perceptual stimulation made her experience enjoyable and educational. He encouraged her first attempts to talk by smiling and responding with words, affection, or other positive reinforcement.


Still Social Learning Even in his 80s, Albert Bandura (shown here in midlife) is on the faculty at Stanford University. One reason, of course, it that he is esteemed by his peers, and another reason is that, as a proponent of social learning, he believes he can still influence many others. Social interaction is central to social learning theory.

Almost all daily behavior, from combing your hair to joking with friends, is a result of past operant conditioning, according to behaviorists. Likewise, things people fear, from giving a speech to eating raw fish, are avoided because of past punishment.

This insight has many practical applications for human development. Early responses are crucial because children learn habits that endure. For instance, if parents want their child to share, and their baby offers them a gummy, half-eaten cracker, they should take the gift with apparent delight and then return it, smiling.



Video Activity: Modeling: Learning by Observation features the original footage of Bandura’s famous experiment.

According to behaviorism, people are never too old to learn. If an adult is afraid of speaking in public (a particular kind of social phobia, very common), then repeated reinforcement for talking (such as a professor praising a student’s question) could eventually lead to speeches before an audience.

social learning theory

An extension of behaviorism that emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person’s behavior. Even without specific reinforcement, every individual learns many things through observation and imitation of other people. (Also called observational learning.)

BANDURA A major extension of behaviorism is social learning theory, first described by Albert Bandura (b. 1925). This theory notes that, because humans are social beings, they learn from observing others, even without personally receiving any reinforcement (Bandura, 1977; 2006).

For example, many studies find that most children who witness domestic violence are influenced by it. As differential susceptibility and multi-contextualism would predict, the particular lesson learned depends on each individual’s genes and experiences. For instance, if their father often hit their mother, one son might identify with the abuser and another with the victim, perhaps because of how their mother cared for them when they were infants.

Later in adulthood, because of their past social learning, one man might slap his wife and spank his children, while his brother might be fearful and apologetic at home. Social learning taught them opposite lessons. A third brother might be more like a dandelion than an orchid, unaffected by past memories.

Cognitive Theory

cognitive theory

A theory of human development that focuses on changes in how people think over time. According to this theory, thoughts shape attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Would You Talk to This Man? Children loved talking to Jean Piaget, and he learned by listening carefully—especially to their incorrect explanations, which no one had paid much attention to before. All his life, Piaget was absorbed with studying the way children think. He called himself a “genetic epistemologist”—one who studies how children gain knowledge about the world as they grow.

In cognitive theory, each person’s ideas and beliefs are crucial. This theory has dominated psychology since about 1980 and has branched into many versions. The word cognitive refers not just to thinking but also to attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions.

The most famous cognitive theorist was Jean Piaget (1896–1980). Unlike other scientists of the early twentieth century, Piaget realized that babies are curious and thoughtful, creating their own interpretations about their world. He began by observing his own three infants; later he studied thousands of older children (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958/2013b).


From this work, Piaget developed the central thesis of cognitive theory: How people think (not just what they know) changes with time and experience, and then human thinking influences actions. Piaget maintained that cognitive development occurs in four major age-related periods, or stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational (see Table 1.6).

Table 1.6: Table 1.6 Piaget’s Periods of Cognitive Development
Age Range Name of Period Characteristics of the Period Major Gains During the Period
Birth to 2 years Sensorimotor Infants use senses and motor abilities to understand the world. Learning is active; there is no conceptual or reflective thought. Infants learn that an object still exists when it is out of sight (object permanence) and begin to think through mental actions.
2–6 years Preoperational Children think magically and poetically, using language to understand the world. Thinking is egocentric, causing children to perceive the world from their own perspective. The imagination flourishes, and language becomes a significant means of self-expression and of influence from others.
6–11 years Concrete operational Children understand and apply logical operations, or principles, to interpret experiences objectively and rationally. Their thinking is limited to what they can personally see, hear, touch, and experience. By applying logical abilities, children learn to understand concepts of conservation, number, classification, and many other scientific ideas.
12 years through adulthood Formal operational Adolescents and adults think about abstractions and hypothetical concepts and reason analytically, not just emotionally. They can be logical about things they have never experienced. Ethics, politics, and social and moral issues become fascinating as adolescents and adults take a broader and more theoretical approach to experience.
Figure 1.10: FIGURE 1.10 Challenge Me Most of us, most of the time, prefer the comfort of our conventional conclusions. According to Piaget, however, when new ideas disturb our thinking, we have an opportunity to expand our cognition with a broader and deeper understanding.

Intellectual advancement occurs lifelong because humans seek cognitive equilibrium, that is, a state of mental balance. An easy way (called assimilation) to achieve this balance is to interpret new experiences through the lens of preexisting ideas. For example, infants discover that new objects can be grasped in the same way as familiar objects; adolescents explain the day’s headlines as evidence that supports their existing worldviews; older adults speak fondly of the good old days as embodying values that should endure.

Sometimes, however, a new experience is jarring and incomprehensible. The resulting experience is one of cognitive disequilibrium, an imbalance that initially creates confusion. As Figure 1.10 illustrates, disequilibrium leads to cognitive growth because it forces people to adapt their old concepts (called accommodation). Current research supports the idea that learning is more likely to occur if it took some effort to achieve (Brown et al., 2014).


Another influential cognitive theory, called information processing, is not a stage theory but rather provides a detailed description of the steps of cognition, with attention to perceptual and neurological processes. This theory is especially useful in understanding thinking processes in middle childhood and late adulthood, as you will see in Chapters 7 and 14.

Many researchers, in addition to those influenced by information-processing theory, now think that some of Piaget’s conclusions were mistaken. However, every developmentalist appreciates Piaget’s basic insight: Thoughts can influence emotions and actions. People of all ages construct their understanding of themselves and their world, combining their experiences and their interpretations.

How to Think About Flowers A person’s stage of cognitive growth influences how he or she thinks about everything, including flowers. (a) To an infant, in the sensorimotor stage, flowers are “known” through pulling, smelling, and even biting. (b) At the concrete operational stage, children become more logical. This boy can understand that flowers need sunlight, water, and time to grow. (c) At the adult’s formal operational stage, flowers can be part of a larger, logical scheme—for instance, to earn money while cultivating beauty. As illustrated by all three photos, thinking is an active process from the beginning of life until the end.



A theory that stresses the potential of all humans, who have the same basic needs, regardless of culture, gender, or background.

Many scientists are convinced that there is something hopeful, unifying, and noble in the human spirit, something often ignored by psychoanalytic theory and by behaviorism. The limits of those two major theories were especially apparent to Abraham Maslow (1908–1970), one of the founders of the psychological theory of humanism. Maslow believed that all people—no matter what their culture, gender, or background—have the same basic needs and drives. He arranged these needs in a hierarchy (see Figure 1.11):

  1. Physiological: needing food, water, warmth, and air

  2. Safety: feeling protected from injury and death

  3. Love and belonging: having loving friends, family, and a community

  4. Esteem: being respected by the wider community as well as by oneself

  5. Self-actualization: becoming truly oneself, fulfilling one’s unique potential

Figure 1.11: FIGURE 1.11 Moving Up, Not Looking Back Maslow’s hierarchy is like a ladder: Once a person stands firmly on a higher rung, the lower rungs are no longer needed. Thus, someone who has arrived at step 4 might devalue safety (step 2) and be willing to risk personal safety to gain respect.
Hope and Laughter Maslow studied law before psychology, and he enjoyed deep discussions with many psychoanalytic theorists who escaped Nazi-dominated Europe. He believed the human spirit could overcome oppression and reach self-actualization, where faith, hope, and humor abound.

At the final level, self-actualization, when all other needs have been met, people can be fully themselves—creative, spiritual, curious, appreciative of nature, able to respect everyone else. The person has “peak experiences” when life is so intensely joyful that time stops and self-seeking disappears (Maslow, 1962/1998).

Maslow contended that everyone must satisfy each lower level before moving higher. A starving man, for instance, may risk his life to secure food (level 1 precedes level 2), or an unloved woman might not care about self-respect because she needs affection (level 3 precedes level 4). People may be destructive and inhumane, not self-actualizing, because of unmet lower needs.


Although humanism does not postulate stages, a developmental application of this theory is that satisfying childhood needs allows later growth. Thus, when babies cry in hunger, someone should feed them because their basic needs (level 1) should be met. People may become thieves or even killers, unable to reach their potential, if they were unsafe (level 2) or unloved (level 3) as children.

This theory is prominent among medical professionals because they realize that pain can be physical (the first two levels) or social (the next two), and they are concerned that their focus on physical health might overlook the person’s higher needs (Brown et al., 2014).

A practicing general practitioner writes that Maslow’s hierarchy is “a useful reference tool,” although he accepts that most of what doctors do is at the lower levels of the pyramid (Dawlatly, 2014). Even the dying need love and belonging (family should be with them) and esteem (the dying need respect).



Evolutionary Theory

Charles Darwin’s basic ideas about evolution were first published 150 years ago (Darwin, 1859), but serious research on human development inspired by evolutionary theory is quite recent. According to this theory, nature works to ensure that each species does two things: survive and reproduce. Consequently, many human impulses, needs, and behaviors evolved to help humans survive and thrive over the past 100,000 years (Konner, 2010).

Got Milk! Many people in Sweden (like this barefoot preschooler at her summer cottage) drink cow’s milk and eat many kinds of cheese. That may be because selective adaptation allowed individuals who could digest lactose to survive in the long Northern winters when no crops grew.

To understand human development, this theory contends, one needs to recognize what was adaptive thousands of years ago. For example, it is irrational that many people are terrified of snakes (which now cause less than one U.S. death in a million), but virtually no one fears automobiles (which cause more than one death in a hundred). Evolutionary theory suggests that the fear instinct evolved to protect life when snakes killed many people, which was true until quite recently in the history of our species. Fears have not caught up to modern life.


Some of the best human qualities, such as cooperation, spirituality, and self-sacrifice, may have originated thousands of years ago, when groups of people survived because they took care of one another. Childhood itself, particularly the long period when children depend on others while their brains grow, can be explained via evolution (Konner, 2010).

One fact that evolutionary theory can explain is that human mothers welcome child-raising help from fathers, other relatives, and even strangers. Shared child rearing allows women to have children every two years or so, unlike chimpanzees, who space births four or five years apart (Hrdy, 2009). The reason, according to this theory, is the need for survival and reproduction. The result: seven billion humans alive today, but about two hundred thousand chimpanzees, a ratio of 35,000 to one.

Evolutionary theory in developmental psychology has intriguing explanations for many phenomena: women’s nausea in pregnancy; 1-year-olds’ attachment to their parents; adolescent rebellion; emerging adults’ sexual preferences; parents’ investment in their children; and late adulthood increases in major neurocognitive disorder and cancer.

All these interpretations are controversial. The influence of nature versus nurture on male/female differences is particularly controversial and provocative (Chapman, 2015). Nonetheless, this theory provides many hypotheses to be explored.


Question 1.22

1. What is the role of the unconscious in Freud’s theory?

In Freud’s theory, our unconscious drives and motives influence every aspect of our thinking and behavior.

Question 1.23

2. What are the stages envisioned by Freud?

Oral (birth to 1 year); anal (1 to 3 years); phallic (3 to 6 years); latency (6 to 11 years); genital (adolescence); and adulthood

Question 1.24

3. How do Erikson’s stages differ from Freud’s?

Erikson’s stages differ significantly from Freud’s in that they emphasize family and culture, not sexual urges.

Question 1.25

4. How is behaviorism a reaction to psychoanalytic theory?

Behaviorism arose in direct opposition to the psychoanalytic emphasis on unconscious, hidden urges. Behaviorists emphasize nurture, the specific, observable responses from other people and the environment to whatever a developing person does.

Question 1.26

5. How do classical and operant conditioning differ?

In classical conditioning, one stimulus may be associated with another (tone-then-food sequence with Pavlov’s dogs). With operant conditioning, reinforcement and punishment may guide future behavior.

Question 1.27

6. How is social learning connected to behaviorism?

The social learning theory is a major extension of behaviorism because it argues that humans are social beings—they learn from observation without personally receiving any reinforcement.

Question 1.28

7. What is the basic idea of cognitive theory?

Cognitive theory focuses on changes in how people think over time. According to this theory, thoughts shape attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Question 1.29

8. How does information processing differ from Piaget’s theory?

Unlike Piaget’s stage theory, information processing provides a detailed description of the steps of cognition, with attention to perceptual and neurological processes.

Question 1.30

9. According to Maslow, what are the needs of a person?

Physiological (needing food, water, warmth, and air); safety (feeling protected from injury and death); love and belonging (having loving friends, family, and a community); esteem (being respected by the wider community as well as by oneself); and self-actualization (becoming truly oneself, fulfilling one’s unique potential).

Question 1.31

10. Why is humanism particularly relevant for the medical professions?

Medical professionals realize that pain can be physical (the first two levels) or social (the next two), and they are aware that their focus on physical health might overlook the person’s higher needs.

Question 1.32

11. How does evolutionary theory apply to human development?

Evolutionary theory contends that to understand human development, one needs to recognize what was adaptive thousands of years ago. Some of the best human qualities, such as cooperation, spirituality, and self-sacrifice, may have originated thousands of years ago, when groups of people survived because they took care of one another.