Controlling the expression of emotions, called emotional regulation, is the preeminent psychosocial task between ages 2 and 6. Such regulation is virtually impossible in infancy, but when the emotional hot spots of the limbic system connect to the prefrontal cortex, children become more aware of their reactions and are better able to control them. By age 6, children can usually be angry but not explosive, frightened but not terrified, sad but not inconsolable, anxious but not withdrawn, proud but not boastful.
Yes. All young children play, and everywhere a child playing is a sign of healthy development. Most preschool children are intrinsically motivated to play. Children who are deprived of activity for a long period tend to play more vigorously when they finally have the chance. However, as Pellegrini points out, it is “a controversial topic of study” to examine whether play is essential for normal growth.
Permissive parents raise unhappy children who lack self-
Longitudinal research finds that children who are physically punished are more likely to become bullies, juvenile delinquents, and abusive adults. They are also less likely to learn quickly in school or attend college. In addition, the more children are spanked, the more likely they are to continue misbehaving. Many parents who spank do so to reduce externalizing misbehavior (hitting, yelling, throwing things). However, longitudinal research reveals that spanking is not necessary for children to learn to control their acting out.
It was a hot summer afternoon. Rachel, almost 3, and Bethany, age 4, were with me in the kitchen, which was in one corner of our living/dining area. Rachel opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of orange juice. The sticky bottle slipped, shattering on the tile floor. My stunned daughters looked at me, at the shards, at the spreading juice with extra pulp. I picked my girls up and plopped them on the couch.
“Stay there,” I yelled.
They did, quiet, wide-
Fortunately, many safeguards prevented me from serious maltreatment: The girls had learned when to obey, I knew not to punish in anger, my finances made buying more juice easy. I hugged them when I took them off the couch. As children learn to manage their emotions, as parents learn to guide their children, as the macrosystem and microsystem (beliefs and income) influence adult–