EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–2Irregular verbs

In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.

1 of 5

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs - 1 of 5: In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.

2 of 5

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs - 2 of 5: In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.

3 of 5

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs - 3 of 5: In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.

4 of 5

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs - 4 of 5: In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.

5 of 5

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs - 5 of 5: In each pair, click on the sentence in which any irregular verbs are used correctly.