Additional Activities for Chapter 11

Use the space provided to answer each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. 200.21 200.22

    The Argumentativeness Scale Complete Infante and Rancer’s Argumentativeness Scale available online at Either post to a class forum or discuss with a classmate your reaction to your score. Do the results surprise you? Why or why not? How can you use knowledge of your argumentativeness to improve your participation in small groups?

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.
  2. 200.21 200.22

    Tools for Online Classes Review Table 11.2 on the Common Tools for Virtual Small Group Communication. Which tools have you used when taking a class online or as support for classes you attend on campus? Have you experienced the advantages and disadvantages listed for each tool? Discuss your experiences in a small group and form a recommendation on how professors can best use these tools to support instruction.

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.