Chapter . Advance the Conversation Video Activity: Delivering a Speech


Advance the Conversation Video Activity
Delivering a Speech

The following scenario will enhance your ability to effectively manage your speech delivery. As you watch the first video, recall what you’ve learned about effective delivery. Then complete the Your Turn prompts. Finally, watch the Take Two! video to explore how this scenario could have gone differently.

1. The Problem

Kate and two classmates are working together on a presentation for their food science class. The group splits the work into three sections, and Kate’s portion will cover nutrition and fast food. Now the group is practicing their delivery together for the first time.

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2. Your Turn

Observations. Reflect on how Kate delivered her section of the speech in this practice session by answering the following questions:

  1. Question

  2. Question


Discussion. In class or with a partner, share your thoughts about Kate’s delivery and work to answer the following questions:

  1. Question

  2. Question




3. Take Two!

Watch the Take Two! video to see how things might have gone differently. As you watch the video, pay attention to Kate’s delivery and consider how it differs from her delivery in her original attempt. After watching the video, answer the questions below:

Bedford/St. Martin’s

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  1. Question

  2. Question
