Chapter . Advance the Conversation Video Activity: Ending a Relationship


Advance the Conversation Video Activity
Ending a Relationship

The following scenario will enhance your ability to understand and apply competent communication. As you watch the first video, recall what you’ve learned about the stages of coming apart, and then complete the Your Turn prompts. Finally, watch the Take Two! video to explore how this scenario could have gone differently.

1. The Problem

The close connection that once existed between Mirirai and her roommate, Alex, has faded. Mirirai feels that the two of them no longer share anything in common, and they argue more than they get along. Mirirai wants to end their relationship and sees an opportunity to do so when their lease is up. When Alex gets home from work, Mirirai breaks the news.

Bedford/St. Martin’s

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2. Your Turn

Observations. Reflect on how Mirirai and Alex communicated in this scenario by answering the following questions:

  1. Question

  2. Question


Discussion. In class or with a partner, share your thoughts about the interaction between Mirirai and Alex and work to answer the following questions:

  1. Question

  2. Question




3. Take Two!

What if things had gone differently? Watch the Take Two! video to see one possible example of how the conversation might have gone if Alex and/or Mirirai had communicated differently. As you watch the video, consider where the dialog reflects communication competence. After watching the video, answer the questions below:

Bedford/St. Martin’s

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  1. Question

  2. Question
