SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America

Printed Pages 1065-1067
Suggestions for Writing
Reconstructing America
  1. This period in U.S. history is often characterized as a time of “a loss of innocence” brought about by the divisions and bloodshed of the Civil War. How would you define that phrase in this context? Write an essay explaining how the literature of the era reflects “a loss of innocence” in the spirit of the nation. Feel free to use texts that pose or suggest a counterargument.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - This period in U.S. history is often characterized as a time of “a loss of innocence” brought about by the divisions and bloodshed of the Civil War. How would you define that phrase in this context? Write an essay explaining how the literature of the era reflects “a loss of innocence” in the spirit of the nation. Feel free to use texts that pose or suggest a counterargument.
  2. During the era covered by this chapter, fiction flourished, and with the growth of periodicals, the short story gained enormous popularity and influence. Using at least three of the pieces of fiction from this chapter, write an essay discussing why you believe short stories had such popular appeal for the American public.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - During the era covered by this chapter, fiction flourished, and with the growth of periodicals, the short story gained enormous popularity and influence. Using at least three of the pieces of fiction from this chapter, write an essay discussing why you believe short stories had such popular appeal for the American public.
  3. Immigration, industrialization, and urbanization characterize this time period and widened social divisions based on wealth, religion, race, and ethnicity. Write an essay discussing the increasing divides in American culture as illustrated in several of the texts in this chapter.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - Immigration, industrialization, and urbanization characterize this time period and widened social divisions based on wealth, religion, race, and ethnicity. Write an essay discussing the increasing divides in American culture as illustrated in several of the texts in this chapter.
  4. With newly freed African Americans and a growing immigrant population, educating a larger populace that was more diverse than an elite group of affluent white men became problematic for the states. What approaches were suggested, or tried, during this era? What were the main issues that educating an expanding democracy posed? Refer to several of the texts in this chapter in your response.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - With newly freed African Americans and a growing immigrant population, educating a larger populace that was more diverse than an elite group of affluent white men became problematic for the states. What approaches were suggested, or tried, during this era? What were the main issues that educating an expanding democracy posed? Refer to several of the texts in this chapter in your response.
  5. After the Civil War, how did Americans promote the idea of “re-union”—of bringing the nation back together? Develop a discussion that includes at least four authors from this period who address the question, How can the wounds of war be healed?


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - After the Civil War, how did Americans promote the idea of “re-union”—of bringing the nation back together? Develop a discussion that includes at least four authors from this period who address the question, How can the wounds of war be healed?
  6. One of the tensions during this period was between the desire to assimilate into mainstream culture and the desire to preserve tradition and heritage. In some instances, assimilation was made more difficult because of discrimination. Based on the texts you’ve read in this chapter, discuss how this tension manifested itself and at least two different responses to it. Which inclination do you think ultimately dominated this period?


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - One of the tensions during this period was between the desire to assimilate into mainstream culture and the desire to preserve tradition and heritage. In some instances, assimilation was made more difficult because of discrimination. Based on the texts you’ve read in this chapter, discuss how this tension manifested itself and at least two different responses to it. Which inclination do you think ultimately dominated this period?
  7. A powerful symbol of western expansion, the railroad, particularly the transcontinental railroad, was both idealized and demonized. While to many it demonstrated America’s technological prowess and the power of industrialization, to others it brought into high relief exploitation of low-cost labor, including immigrants, that resulted from corporate greed. Using texts from this chapter and others from your research, discuss how the building of railroads to link the established East and the developing West embodied both of these perspectives.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - A powerful symbol of western expansion, the railroad, particularly the transcontinental railroad, was both idealized and demonized. While to many it demonstrated America’s technological prowess and the power of industrialization, to others it brought into high relief exploitation of low-cost labor, including immigrants, that resulted from corporate greed. Using texts from this chapter and others from your research, discuss how the building of railroads to link the established East and the developing West embodied both of these perspectives.
  8. Following is an excerpt from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on May 23, 1883, celebrating the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most amazing engineering feats of its day:

    Brooklyn, if not New York also, will turn aside from all ordinary business tomorrow to celebrate one of the noblest achievements of modern times. The bridge about to be opened to the public is a work as characteristic of our civilization as the Pyramid of Cheops was of Egypt. The colossal pile of stone which still excites the wonder of travelers in the land of the Pharaohs recalls the magnificence of a tyrannical dynasty, the vast influence of a hierarchy buttressed by superstition and the practical enslavement of millions of industrious people. The bridge is a monument to the skill of a free people, to the arts of peace, to liberal thought and to the spirit which makes the promotion of the common welfare the chief end of government. It is possible for the Americans to rear pyramids if he were so minded; it was not possible for the combined intellect of antiquity to spin a yard of the 14,361 miles of wire by which two cities are bound together.

    Discuss how this description of the Brooklyn Bridge defined America’s sense of itself in the world at that time. How does this view compare with other perspectives, similar or different, in other texts you’ve read in this chapter?


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - Following is an excerpt from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on May 23, 1883, celebrating the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most amazing engineering feats of its day:Brooklyn, if not New York also, will turn aside from all ordinary business tomorrow to celebrate one of the noblest achievements of modern times. The bridge about to be opened to the public is a work as characteristic of our civilization as the Pyramid of Cheops was of Egypt. The colossal pile of stone which still excites the wonder of travelers in the land of the Pharaohs recalls the magnificence of a tyrannical dynasty, the vast influence of a hierarchy buttressed by superstition and the practical enslavement of millions of industrious people. The bridge is a monument to the skill of a free people, to the arts of peace, to liberal thought and to the spirit which makes the promotion of the common welfare the chief end of government. It is possible for the Americans to rear pyramids if he were so minded; it was not possible for the combined intellect of antiquity to spin a yard of the 14,361 miles of wire by which two cities are bound together.Discuss how this description of the Brooklyn Bridge defined America’s sense of itself in the world at that time. How does this view compare with other perspectives, similar or different, in other texts you’ve read in this chapter?
  9. In a previous chapter you analyzed the history and lyrics of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and in this chapter you read “America the Beautiful” and “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” We have a history of debate over the concept and choice of a national anthem in this country. Some argue that “The Star-Spangled Banner” places too strong an emphasis on war and that “America the Beautiful” would, thus, be preferable. Others argue that the diversity of the country makes any single national anthem inappropriate and meaningless. Discuss whether the current national anthem should be retained, replaced, or abandoned entirely. If you believe change is appropriate, what do you suggest should be the U.S. anthem?


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - In a previous chapter you analyzed the history and lyrics of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and in this chapter you read “America the Beautiful” and “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing.” We have a history of debate over the concept and choice of a national anthem in this country. Some argue that “The Star-Spangled Banner” places too strong an emphasis on war and that “America the Beautiful” would, thus, be preferable. Others argue that the diversity of the country makes any single national anthem inappropriate and meaningless. Discuss whether the current national anthem should be retained, replaced, or abandoned entirely. If you believe change is appropriate, what do you suggest should be the U.S. anthem?
  10. In 1872, John Gast painted American Progress (p. 825), commissioned by George Crofutt, who published a popular series of western travel guides. Discuss how this image reflects or disputes “progress” as defined during this period in American history.


    SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING Reconstructing America: - In 1872, John Gast painted American Progress (p. 825), commissioned by George Crofutt, who published a popular series of western travel guides. Discuss how this image reflects or disputes “progress” as defined during this period in American history.