How do you think Julie Otsuka, or the woman in “Evacuation Order No. 19” (p. 1221) would respond to the photo with the sign “I Am an American” (p. 1220), by Dorothea Lange? With sympathy? Anger? Skepticism?
Making Connections: - How do you think Julie Otsuka, or the woman in “Evacuation Order No. 19” (p. 1221) would respond to the photo with the sign “I Am an American” (p. 1220), by Dorothea Lange? With sympathy? Anger? Skepticism?
In what ways might Charles Ogletree Jr. (p. 1240) or Henry Louis Gates Jr. (p. 1242) argue that the evacuation order treats Japanese American citizens as property?
Making Connections: - In what ways might Charles Ogletree Jr. (p. 1240) or Henry Louis Gates Jr. (p. 1242) argue that the evacuation order treats Japanese American citizens as property?
How might Gates, Ogletree, or Brent Staples (p. 1237) respond to an apology to African Americans similar to the one President George H. W. Bush signed for Japanese Americans (p. 1230)?
Making Connections: - How might Gates, Ogletree, or Brent Staples (p. 1237) respond to an apology to African Americans similar to the one President George H. W. Bush signed for Japanese Americans (p. 1230)?
Where in his article does Eric K. Yamamoto (p. 1231) reflect the viewpoint of Ogletree? Where does he reflect that of Staples? With which one would he agree more fully?
Making Connections: - Where in his article does Eric K. Yamamoto (p. 1231) reflect the viewpoint of Ogletree? Where does he reflect that of Staples? With which one would he agree more fully?
With what part(s) of Staples’s argument would Ogletree most strenuously disagree?
Making Connections: - With what part(s) of Staples’s argument would Ogletree most strenuously disagree?
What common ground do you find between Staples and Gates?
Making Connections: - What common ground do you find between Staples and Gates?