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What does Spencer R. Weart mean by the “nuclear taboo” (par. 3)? What do some people fear would violate it?
Questions: - What does Spencer R. Weart mean by the “nuclear taboo” (par. 3)? What do some people fear would violate it?
What recent events have added a new element to what Weart describes as “fundamental to images of terrorism” (par. 9)?
Questions: - What recent events have added a new element to what Weart describes as “fundamental to images of terrorism” (par. 9)?
What evidence does Weart use to support his analysis of the rise of nuclear fear?
Questions: - What evidence does Weart use to support his analysis of the rise of nuclear fear?
According to Weart, what effect did the 9/11 attacks have on the rise in nuclear fear among Americans?
Questions: - According to Weart, what effect did the 9/11 attacks have on the rise in nuclear fear among Americans?