Design Is a Writing Tool

Document design is the use of visual elements — such as fonts, colors, page layout, and illustrations — to enhance the effectiveness of written documents. A well-designed chart, for example, can be far more effective at conveying complex information to a reader than even the most clearly written paragraph can. Similarly, the emotional impact of a well-chosen illustration, such as a photograph of a starving child or a video clip of aid workers rushing to help victims of a natural disaster, can do far more than words alone to persuade a reader to take action. By understanding and applying the principles of document design, you can increase the likelihood that you’ll achieve your purposes as a writer and address the needs and interests of your readers. Throughout this book, you’ll find design treated as a central writing strategy, and you’ll find numerous examples of the design characteristics of the genres discussed in each chapter. You’ll also find an in-depth discussion of design in Chapters 16, 17, and 18.
