Our discussion of gene regulatory pathways up to this point has focused on bacteria. Historically, however, much of the early research on gene regulation was done on viruses—specifically, bacteriophages (phages), viruses that infect bacterial cells. Phage genomes are small, yet the genes they contain must be carefully regulated to enable efficient infection and viral reproduction. In addition, phage genes are frequently transferred to or from host cell chromosomes, thereby providing a critical means of transferring genetic information between organisms (i.e., from one host to another). Such horizontal gene transfer plays a significant role in driving the evolution of new bacterial traits, including resistance to drugs and toxins.
We focus here on the bacteriophage λ (λ phage) system, one of the best-studied systems of gene regulation in all of biology. Gene regulation in λ phage is intimately coupled to the state of the host cell, and we discuss some examples illustrating the principles involved. Gene regulation in λ phage involves a series of integrated pathways that exemplify the coordinated gene expression occurring in cells: some of the mechanisms used by λ phage have been found to govern gene expression in other systems. For example, animal cells take advantage of differential binding affinities and cooperative interactions of regulators to turn genes and gene networks on and off during development. Thus, insights from the λ phage system continue to guide our understanding of more complex organisms.
Phage Propagation Can Take One of Two Forms
Most organisms are susceptible to infection by viruses, which usurp the host cell machinery to produce more viral particles. One well-studied class of bacterial viruses, the lysogenic bacteriophages, uses two kinds of replication mechanism to ensure viral propagation and transmission. As we noted in Chapter 14, after introduction of its DNA into a host cell, a phage has the potential to enter one of two pathways for propagation (Figure 20-20). Most of the time, viruses use the lytic pathway, in which phage DNA is immediately replicated and viral proteins are synthesized to construct the viral coating around the DNA. Once many viral particles have been made, they burst from the cell, killing it, and enter the extracellular environment; they can now infect other cells. Occasionally, viruses enter the lysogenic pathway, whereby phage DNA integrates into the host cell chromosome and is replicated along with the chromosome as the cell divides. In this state, the bacteriophage is called a prophage, and the cell carrying it is a lysogen. Under normal conditions the prophage is stable within the lysogen, but if the host cell is stressed by DNA-damaging agents, nutritional limitations, or other conditions that threaten survival, the prophage can rapidly excise from the chromosome and enter the lytic pathway. The switch from lysogenic to lytic growth is referred to as prophage induction.
Figure 20-20: The growth and life cycle phases of λ phage. (a) Bacteriophage λ infecting a lawn of E. coli. The viruses eventually kill their host cells, leaving cleared spots, or plaques, in the bacterial lawn. (b) The lytic and lysogenic pathways. Use of the lytic versus the lysogenic pathway is based on cellular nutrients and the viral multiplicity of infection (MOI). Under conditions of cellular stress, λ phages can exit the lysogenic pathway and enter the lytic pathway, in the process of prophage induction.
Many phages are capable of this kind of genetic switch, but the underlying mechanisms are best understood for λ phage, a virus of E. coli that consists of a double-stranded linear DNA encapsulated in a head structure and attached tail region made of virally encoded proteins. This phage has been used extensively as a model system for studying integrated gene regulatory networks, and it has also provided many tools useful in molecular biology research. For example, engineered versions of λ phage have been co-opted to transfer and express genes in E. coli and to inactivate host genes.
Two regulatory proteins, the λ repressor (also called cI) and Cro, govern the growth pathway of the virus. When the λ repressor protein is predominant, λ phage enters the lysogenic pathway; its DNA integrates into the chromosome, and only the λ repressor itself is expressed. When Cro predominates, however, λ phage enters the lytic pathway; most of the λ genes are expressed, and viral replication and packaging ensue. Eventually, the host cell is broken open by cell lysis, a process that releases the progeny phages.
Whether the phage enters lytic or lysogenic growth is determined early in a λ phage infection and depends largely on two other λ proteins: cII and cIII. The cII protein is a transcription activator that enhances transcription of the λ repressor gene and hence stimulates production of the repressor protein (cI). When cII is abundant and active, infection proceeds through the lysogenic pathway. But because cII is susceptible to degradation by bacterial proteases, it is often destroyed before it can trigger substantial production of the λ repressor. This tends to occur under nutrient-rich conditions, when proteases are present in high concentrations. It makes sense for the phage to enter the lytic pathway, triggered by low cII levels, when plenty of materials are available for viral reproduction and particle assembly.
The cIII protein stabilizes cII, probably by acting as a decoy, or alternative substrate, for protease molecules that would otherwise degrade cII. In this way, elevated cIII levels can trigger the switch to lysogen formation by enhancing cII concentrations, which increases production of the λ repressor.
Usually, λ phage infection leads to lytic growth. In addition to nutrient levels, the multiplicity of infection (MOI) also affects this growth pathway. This is because infections typically occur at a low MOI, when there are many more host cells than viral particles. In this situation, it is advantageous for viruses to grow lytically so that more progeny can be made and released to infect the available host cells. However, once there is an abundance of viral particles relative to host cells, multiple viruses begin to infect each host. In this circumstance, the high MOI leads to more frequent lysogen formation. The virus propagates silently within the chromosome and awaits future opportunities to enter the lytic pathway when host cells are again abundant. The mechanisms underlying this fascinating genetic switch have been elucidated over many years, using numerous genetic and biochemical methods.
Differential Activation of Promoters Regulates λ Phage Infection
Most of the ∼50 genes of the λ phage genome are required for viral replication and packaging; a relatively small region of the genome is critical for the gene regulation necessary to induce lytic versus lysogenic growth (Figure 20-21). On initial infection of a host cell by λ DNA, viral transcription begins at two opposing promoters, PL (leftward promoter) and PR (rightward promoter), to produce the “immediate early” transcripts. This leads to the production of two proteins, N and Cro, which begin to increase in concentration. Two additional promoters, PRM (promoter for repressor maintenance) and PRE (promoter for repressor establishment), drive transcription of the cI gene, which encodes the λ repressor. However, unlike the strongly constitutive PL and PR, PRM and PRE are weak promoters and require activators to recruit RNA polymerase. Thus, at first, the cI gene is not transcribed and no λ repressor is produced.
Figure 20-21: A partial map of λ phage. The genes and regulatory sites involved in establishing the lytic and lysogenic pathways are shown. Transcription begins at two opposing promoters, PL and PR, to produce the “immediate early” transcripts, which encode the N and Cro proteins. Two weak promoters, PRM and PRE, drive transcription of the cI gene, which encodes the λ repressor (cI). Overlapping the PL, PRM, and PR promoters are two operator sites, OL and OR, each containing three binding sites for the λ repressor and Cro.
Overlapping the PL, PRM, and PR promoters are two operator sites, OL and OR, each of which contains three binding sites for the λ repressor and Cro. Like the Lac repressor, both the λ repressor and Cro form homodimers in which two DNA-binding domains in the protein recognize DNA through a helix-turn-helix motif. In x-ray crystallographic structures of these proteins bound to DNA, researchers observed that each DNA-binding domain in the dimer binds to half of the 17 bp inverted repeat of the operator sequence (Figure 20-22). Each of the six operator binding sites, three sites in OR and three in OL (see Figure 20-21), can bind a λ repressor dimer or a Cro dimer. However, these sites have different affinities for the regulatory proteins, so they are not all occupied at once, or at random. In addition, operator-protein binding at one site influences binding at the other sites, an example of cooperative interaction.
Figure 20-22: The structures of Cro and λ repressor proteins. Both Cro and λ repressor form homodimers that bind the OL and OR operator regions. Both use helix-turn-helix motifs to associate with the DNA.
During initial viral infection, once appreciable levels of Cro are expressed, this protein binds the OR3 site; because OR3 overlaps PRM, Cro blocks the access of RNA polymerase to PRM, and the cI gene is not transcribed. Cro does not bind as well to OR1 and OR2, and thus these operator sites are not occupied by Cro. If this situation continues, lytic growth ensues (Figure 20-23a).
Figure 20-23: The λ phage genetic switch between lytic and lysogenic growth. A small region of the λ phage genome controls the genetic switch between lysis and lysogeny. Two critical proteins, Cro and λ repressor (cI), regulate the switch.
Lysogenic growth requires the activity of PRE (Figure 20-23b). Initial transcription of the cI gene requires activation of PRE by cII, another gene product expressed early in the infection process. The cII protein can activate the weak PRE promoter by binding to a site upstream from the transcription start site (the −35 region; see Chapter 15) and recruiting RNA polymerase to PRE. However, cII is a substrate of the host cell protease FtsH, which cleaves and inactivates the activator. At a low MOI, in which one viral particle at most has infected any one cell, the concentration of cII does not reach a level sufficient to activate PRE. But under conditions of high MOI, in which multiple viral particles have infected the cell, more cII is produced because of the multiple copies of the cII gene present in the cell. Furthermore, the phage protein cIII (also expressed early in infection) helps stabilize cII by competing as a substrate for FtsH. In this situation, FtsH cannot keep up with cII production, and the increased levels of cII lead to activation of PRE.
As a result of the activation of PRE, the λ repressor protein is produced. The repressor activates PRM by binding to OR1 and OR2, leading to stable expression of the repressor (Figure 20-23c). The PRM promoter is necessary to maintain ongoing production of the λ repressor because, when the repressor binds operator sites OR1 and OR2, PR is silenced and production of cII stops, leading to loss of the activator (cII) for PRE. Under these conditions, lysogenic growth is favored.
Note that if Cro were to bind OR3 before cI (the repressor) bound OR1 and OR2, the phage would have trouble establishing lysogeny. This interference by Cro probably never occurs, however, because when cII is highly active, cI production is sufficient to shut off the cro gene before enough Cro is made to turn off PRM.
The λ Repressor Functions as Both an Activator and a Repressor
The λ repressor is capable of complex regulation, in part because it is a two-domain protein that forms a functional dimer. The N-terminal region of the protein contains the helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif, and the C-terminal domain is responsible for dimerization. As we have seen, the λ repressor can bind to any of six operator binding sites in the OL and OR regions (see Figure 20-21). Despite its name, the repressor bound at OR2 actually activates transcription from PRM, and this activation is critical to the lysogenic switch. However, the repressor has highest binding affinity for OR1, and because binding is cooperative, OR1 recognition increases the affinity of the bound λ repressor for OR2. Repressor bound cooperatively at OR1 and OR2 blocks RNA polymerase binding at PR, repressing transcription from that promoter. Similarly, repressor bound cooperatively at OL1 and OL2 prevents transcription from PL. Thus, the repressor can simultaneously activate transcription of its own gene from PRM and repress transcription of the immediate early genes necessary for lytic growth from PL and PR.
Once the lytic-to-lysogenic switch has occurred, the phage DNA integrates into the host chromosome by a mechanism described below. The integrated viral DNA can be maintained and replicated stably as part of the host cell chromosome. But, as described earlier, when the host cell is exposed to agents or conditions that damage DNA, the prophage is rapidly excised, and lytic growth begins. This lysogenic-to-lytic switch comes about because the λ repressor protein resembles the bacterial protein LexA, which undergoes self-cleavage when stimulated by a second bacterial protein, RecA, that is a sensor of DNA damage in the bacterial cell (see Figure 20-13). When RecA is activated in response to DNA damage (the SOS response), the λ repressor protein, if present in the cell, also undergoes self-cleavage. This reaction clips off the C-terminal region of the repressor, removing its dimerization domain and thereby destroying its cooperative binding to OL and OR, sites 1 and 2. As a result, the cleaved λ repressor dissociates from the operator DNA, allowing transcription from PR and PL, and thus lytic growth.
More Regulation Levels Are Invoked during the λ Phage Life Cycle
Switching between the activation and repression of promoters enables λ phage to alternate between lytic and lysogenic growth, as dictated by environmental conditions. But additional levels of regulation further control the expression of genes required to establish and maintain early steps in the infection cycle. Two λ proteins, the N and Q proteins, are known as antiterminators because they prevent RNA polymerase from prematurely stopping transcription of the genes they regulate. N protein binds to specific regions of the viral transcript called nut (N utilization) sites (Figure 20-24). The resulting RNA-protein complexes assemble with additional proteins produced from the host cell genes nusA, nusB, nusE, and nusG. Although the functions of these proteins are not known in detail, they somehow help the phage-produced N protein bind to RNA polymerase and enhance its ability to bypass terminator structures downstream from the genes for N and Cro. In this way, elongation of the viral transcript is favored once initial infection is established.
Figure 20-24: N protein–mediated antitermination of transcription. N protein is transcribed early in the infection process from the PL promoter, but early transcription stops at the terminator just downstream from the N gene. N protein binds newly transcribed nut sites and, through interaction with several other factors, causes a change in RNA polymerase that allows it to read through terminator structures, generating longer mRNA transcripts.
One target of the N protein antitermination mechanism is the viral gene encoding the Q antiterminator protein. Unlike N, Q binds DNA sequences between the −10 and −35 regions of PR′, the promoter for genes that are active late in the infection process. In the absence of Q, RNA polymerase pauses shortly after initiation of the transcript, then falls off the template when encountering a terminator hairpin structure, 200 bp further on. When Q is present, it first binds in the promoter region, then transfers to the polymerase when the enzyme pauses after initiation. With Q bound, the polymerase can transcribe through the terminator hairpin, thereby producing full-length transcripts; the mechanism of this antitermination process is not yet clear.
To establish a lysogenic infection, the virus must produce an integrase, an enzyme responsible for integrating phage DNA into the host cell chromosome (see Chapter 14). The int gene, which encodes the integrase, is transcribed from two promoters, PI and PL. The cII protein activates PI, in addition to PRE (as described earlier); thus, when cII is abundant and the lysogenic state is favored, both repressor and integrase are expressed. Although the int gene is also transcribed from PL, the two different transcripts have inherently different stabilities due to different RNA structures at their 3′ ends. The PI-derived transcript ends at a terminator hairpin structure downstream from the integrase-coding sequence, whereas the PL-derived transcript extends past the terminator—because the transcript is made by a polymerase modified by the N protein (see Figure 20-24). This longer transcript forms an alternative hairpin structure that is a substrate for cellular ribonucleases. As a result, only the PI-derived transcript is maintained, and it can be translated into integrase protein (Figure 20-25).
Figure 20-25: Regulation of int gene expression. Transcripts of the integrase gene (int) are generated from two promoters, PI and PL. The PI-derived transcript is short, ending at a terminator structure that follows the coding sequence of the int gene. PL-derived transcripts are longer and are generated as a result of N protein–mediated antitermination. The 3′ end of the PL-derived transcript extends beyond the terminator. A structure at the 3′ end makes the transcript a substrate for cellular ribonucleases, and the transcript is degraded. Thus, more integrase protein is generated from the PI-derived transcript than from the PL-derived transcript.
In a twist on this regulatory mechanism, the λ DNA integrates into the host chromosome such that a small portion of the phage DNA is removed—the portion that, when transcribed, becomes the destabilizing RNA sequence at the end of the PL-derived integrase transcript. Thus, when λ phage is in the lysogenic state and integrated into the host chromosome, integrase can be produced from transcripts derived from either PI or PL. Because integrase is also required to excise the prophage from the host genome, the ability to use either type of int gene transcript ensures that this step is not dependent on cII protein concentration.
Bacteriophage gene activities can be controlled by regulatory networks that integrate multiple signals into a common gene regulatory response.
Infection of a bacterial cell by λ phage can lead to either (1) a lytic pathway, in which host cells are lysed as new viral particles are assembled and released, or (2) a lysogenic pathway, in which the viral DNA integrates into the host chromosome and is propagated through chromosome replication and cell division, without immediate production and release of new viruses.
In λ phage, two regulators, Cro and the λ repressor, control whether the phage propagates through the lytic pathway (when Cro dominates) or the lysogenic pathway (when the λ repressor dominates). Both repressors bind to similar phage DNA sequences, but with different binding affinities. Cro blocks λ repressor synthesis while allowing expression of other genes needed for lytic growth; the λ repressor blocks transcription of all phage genes except its own.
In addition to Cro, the N protein, expressed early in the infection process, favors λ gene expression by binding nut sites in the viral transcripts. The resulting RNA-protein complexes favor transcription by assembling with host proteins that aid binding of N protein to RNA polymerase, enhancing the enzyme’s ability to bypass terminator structures downstream from the N and Cro genes.
N protein–mediated antitermination favors production of the Q protein, another antiterminator that binds DNA sites near the promoter of genes expressed later in the infection cycle. Binding of the Q protein allows it to transfer to paused RNA polymerase molecules and enhance their ability to traverse terminator structures in the regulated genes.
To establish a lysogenic infection, the virus produces an integrase that integrates the phage DNA into the host chromosome. Integrase is also required to excise the prophage from the host genome.
The study of gene regulation continues to expand as new regulatory mechanisms are uncovered. RNA has emerged as a major player in controlling levels of protein production, and many fascinating aspects of its involvement remain to be deciphered.
How widespread are RNA-based gene regulatory mechanisms? Early work on the regulation of gene expression focused on proteins that have the sole role of controlling when and how much of a particular protein is synthesized. More recent research has revealed an increasing number of instances in which RNA plays this regulatory role. In addition to the use of riboswitches, bacteria produce many small noncoding RNAs that are important for modulating gene expression. Understanding how these work and how their mechanisms relate to those responsible for regulating gene expression in plants and animals (see Chapter 22) is a fascinating area of research.
How does a bacteriophage compete for a host cell’s gene expression machinery? Studies of λ phage have provided an exciting introduction to the world of phage–host cell competition, but there are many different mechanisms by which viruses might take over a host cell’s gene expression machinery and thus regulate the propagation of new viral particles. Some researchers estimate that Earth is home to more phage particles than cells! Phages thus provide an enormous pool of genes that are readily exchanged and introduced into new hosts, driving the evolution of new traits and viral defense mechanisms. A broader understanding of gene regulatory pathways in phages will offer new insights into bacterial gene regulation, and perhaps into the relationships between viral propagation and gene transfer.
How are gene regulatory networks integrated? Much of the research on gene regulation in bacteria has focused on individual genes or operons, giving the impression that just one or a few changes occur in response to signaling molecules. Studies using DNA microarrays and high-throughput sequencing, however, show that changes in gene expression in response to stresses or altered nutrient levels occur in hundreds of different genes. How these changes are coordinated and how different gene regulatory pathways integrate multiple signals at once are the subjects of active research. Investigators are using traditional genetic and biochemical methods, as well as approaches including high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and bioinformatics. This area of research is referred to as systems biology, to indicate that gene expression operates not in isolation but as part of a system, as defined by the cell or organism.
TRAPped RNA Inhibits Expression of Tryptophan Biosynthetic Genes in Bacillus subtilis
Babitzke, P., and P. Gollnick. 2001. Posttranscription initiation control of tryptophan metabolism in Bacillus subtilis by the trp RNA-binding attenuation protein (TRAP), anti-TRAP, and RNA structure. J. Bacteriol. 183:5795–5802.
The TRAP system of tryptophan regulation in B. subtilis beautifully illustrates how the mechanistic details of multilevel gene regulation were eventually worked out using a combination of experimental methods. Similar to the process in other bacteria, the trp genes of B. subtilis, contained in the trpEDCFBA operon (each letter after trp standing for a gene in the operon), are transcribed only when tryptophan is in short supply in the cell. Genetic experiments revealed that transcription of the trpEDCFBA operon requires a regulatory protein called TRAP (trp RNA–binding attenuation protein). Using purified TRAP, RNA polymerase, nucleoside triphosphates, and a plasmid DNA with an inserted trpEDCFBA operon, researchers found that adding l-tryptophan to the mix caused transcription to stop in the leader sequence of the operon, upstream from the coding sequences. In the presence of l-tryptophan, TRAP bound the newly synthesized leader RNA and prevented formation of an antiterminator structure (Figure 1a). As a result, a competing RNA structure—a terminator—could form, blocking passage of the polymerase and causing premature transcription termination (see Chapter 15), as shown in Figure 1b.
FIGURE 1 Regulation of the B. subtilis trp operon. (a) In the absence of tryptophan, the structure of the trp leader RNA allows continued transcription of the trp operon. (b) In the presence of tryptophan, the TRAP protein binds tryptophan and associates with the trp operon leader through interaction with 11 GAG and UAG triplets. This leads to formation of a terminator structure in the RNA, which halts transcription.
How does TRAP respond to l-tryptophan? TRAP is composed of 11 subunits, each of 6 to 8 kDa. TRAP binds to 11 triplet repeats, primarily GAG and UAG, in the leader sequence that are separated from each other by two or three nonconserved nucleotides. The crystal structure of TRAP bound to a 53-nucleotide single-stranded trp leader RNA looks like a molecular spool in which the RNA wraps around the outer surface of the protein core (see Figure 1b). Each GAG or UAG triplet tucks into a binding pocket formed by one of the TRAP subunits, and tryptophan molecules are positioned between the subunits, where they presumably stabilize interactions required for high-affinity protein-RNA binding.
Subsequent experiments showed that TRAP can also bind its target sequence in the leader region of mature mRNAs, blocking access of the ribosome to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and thus preventing efficient translation initiation. Furthermore, a second protein, called anti-TRAP, induced by uncharged tRNATrp, can bind TRAP and prevent its binding to the trp leader RNA, allowing transcription of the trp operon to proceed. Through TRAP and anti-TRAP, B. subtilis senses the levels of both tryptophan and uncharged tRNATrp in order to regulate tryptophan biosynthesis by changing the accessibility of the RNA to both RNA polymerase and the ribosome.
Autoinducer Analysis Reveals Possibilities for Treating Cholera
Higgins, D.A., M.E. Pomianek, C.M. Kraml, R.K. Taylor, M.F. Semmelhack, and B.L. Bassler. 2007. The major Vibrio cholerae autoinducer and its role in virulence factor production. Nature 450:883–886.
Many single-celled organisms and multicellular tissues use cell-to-cell signaling to communicate information about population density, allowing cells to change gene expression levels in response to the group environment. In bacteria, such signaling molecules are secreted from one cell and detected or imported by neighboring cells, where the signal triggers complex changes in gene expression (Figure 2a). The ability to sense and respond to high population density, a type of cell-to-cell signaling referred to as quorum sensing, frequently involves secreted peptides known as autoinducers. In the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, autoinducers terminate rather than promote virulence, and activation of quorum sensing by introducing an autoinducer could form the basis of a treatment for cholera.
FIGURE 2 (a) In quorum sensing, bacterial cells sense and respond to high population density by sending and receiving small-molecule signals called autoinducers, which freely diffuse through the bacterial membranes. (b) In V. cholerae, autoinducers stimulate the breakdown of biofilms, reducing biofilm size as autoinducer concentration increases.
Bonnie Bassler’s laboratory at Princeton has investigated the molecular details of quorum sensing in V. cholerae. The bacterium uses quorum sensing to control its production of virulence factors and its ability to grow as a biofilm, a contiguous layer of cells. At low cell density, V. cholerae expresses virulence factors and forms a biofilm. As cell density increases, two autoinducers increase in concentration until they repress both virulence factor expression and biofilm formation (Figure 2b). Synthesized by autoinducer synthase enzymes, the small-molecule autoinducers are secreted from the bacterial cells and bind to receptors for import into neighboring cells.
Information from both types of autoinducers is transmitted through the protein LuxO, which in turn controls the level of HapR, a transcription factor that controls the expression of many other genes. At low cell density, in the absence of autoinducers, HapR is not produced, virulence factors are expressed, and biofilms form. Because HapR is required for the expression of genes that cause the cells to luminesce, the cells are not bioluminescent. This provides an easy way for researchers to determine whether HapR is turned on. At high cell density, autoinducers increase and bind to LuxO, leading to the production of HapR. HapR represses the genes for virulence factor production and biofilm formation, while activating expression of the bioluminescence genes. The end result is that the production of autoinducers and activation of quorum sensing terminate virulence in V. cholerae cells growing in crowded conditions.
Bassler and colleagues cloned the autoinducer synthase genes and introduced them into E. coli. Because E. coli is not sensitive to the V. cholerae autoinducers, the signaling molecules were produced and secreted in large amounts without interfering with cell growth. The experimenters could then purify the autoinducers and determine their chemical structure by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). The NMR method enables exact determination of the chemical structure of the autoinducers, because it provides information about the chemical environment of each proton in the molecule. Bassler’s group has also developed a method for chemically synthesizing these autoinducers—an exciting development that might allow researchers to “trick” cells into the quorum-sensing response even at low cell density. This could provide a clever way to expropriate the biology of gene regulation to prevent cholera infection, a strategy that could also be developed for other kinds of pathogenic bacteria.