Section 11.1 Exercises


Question 11.1

1. What are the conditions required for a random variable to be multinomial? (p. 632)


(1) Each independent trial of the experiment has possible outcomes, (2) The th outcome (category) occurs with probability , where , (3)

Question 11.2

2. Explain in your own words what is meant by a goodness of fit test. (p. 635)

Question 11.3

3. Explain the meaning of the term expected frequency. (Hint: Use the idea of the long-run mean in your answer.) (p. 634)


It is the long-run mean of that random variable after an arbitrarily large number of trials.

Question 11.4

4. State the hypotheses for a goodness of fit test. (p. 634)



To do Check out Topic
Exercises 5–8 Example 1 Identifying a multinomial
random variable
Exercises 9–12 Example 2 Finding the expected
Exercises 13–18 Example 3 Calculating
Exercises 19–22 Example 4 Goodness of fit test:
critical-value method
Exercises 23–26 Example 5 Goodness of fit test:
p-value method


For Exercises 5–8, determine whether the random variable is multinomial.

Question 11.5

5. We take a sample of 10 M&M's at random and with replacement and observe the color of each. Let , where the possible values of are green, blue, yellow, orange, red, and brown.



Question 11.6

6. We select 5 students from a group of 25 statistics students at random and without replacement, and we define our random variable to be , where the possible values of are freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior.

Question 11.7

7. We choose 10 stocks at random and with replacement, and we define our random variable to be . The possible values of are New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.



Question 11.8

8. We pick 10 stocks at random and with replacement, and we define our random variable to be .

For Exercises 9–12, the alternative hypothesis takes the form


  1. Find the expected frequencies.
  2. Determine whether the conditions for performing the goodness of fit test are met.

Question 11.9



(a) , , (b) Conditions are met.

Question 11.10


Question 11.11



(a) , , , (b) Conditions are not met.

Question 11.12


For Exercises 13–18, calculate the value of .

Question 11.13


10 12
12 12
14 12



Question 11.14


15 10
20 25
25 25

Question 11.15


20 25
30 25
40 30
40 50



Question 11.16


8 6
10 8
7 9
5 7

Question 11.17


1 6
10 6
8 6
0 6
11 6



Question 11.18


90 100
100 110
100 90
100 80
110 120

For Exercises 19–22, do the following:

  1. Calculate the expected frequencies and verify that the conditions for performing the goodness of fit test are met.
  2. Find for the distribution with the given degrees of freedom. State the rejection rule.
  3. Calculate .
  4. Compare with . State the conclusion and the interpretation.

Question 11.19

19. level of significance


(a) , , ; conditions are met. (b) . Reject if . (c) 4.167 (d) Since is not , we do not reject . There is insufficient evidence that the random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Question 11.20

20. level of significance

Question 11.21

21. level of significance


(a) , , , , ; conditions are met. (b) . Reject if . (c) 6.607 (d) Since is not , we do not reject . There is insufficient evidence that the random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Question 11.22

22. level of significance

For Exercises 23–26, do the following:

  1. State the rejection rule for the p-value method, calculate the expected frequencies, and verify that the conditions for performing the goodness of fit test are met.
  2. Calculate
  3. Find the p-value.
  4. Compare the p-value with level of significance . State the conclusion and the interpretation.

Question 11.23

23. level of significance


(a) Reject if the -value . , ; conditions are met. (b) 4 (c) -value . (d) Since the -value , we reject . There is evidence that the random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Question 11.24

24. level of significance

Question 11.25

25. level of significance


(a) Reject if the -value . , , , ; conditions are met. (b) 6.083 (c) -value . (d) Since the -value is not , we do not reject . There is insufficient evidence that the random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Question 11.26

26. level of significance


Question 11.27

27. Sales of Children's Books The market share for sales of children's books in 2013 was as follows (Source:

Barnes and Noble Amazon Others
23% 20% 57%

Suppose a survey of 1000 children's book sales this year showed 200 sold by Barnes and Noble, 220 sold by Amazon, and 580 sold by all others. Test whether the population proportions have changed, using level of significance .


: The random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Checking the conditions, the expected frequencies are

Because none of these expected frequencies is less than one, and none of the expected frequencies is less than five, the conditions for performing the goodness of ft test are met.

. Reject if .


Compare with is . Therefore, we reject . There is evidence that the variable seller does not follow the distribution specified in . In other words, there is evidence that the market share for sales of children's books has changed.


Question 11.28

28. Believing in Angels. Do you believe in angels? A Gallup Poll found that 78% of respondents believed in angels, 12% were not sure or had no opinion, and 10% didn't believe in angels. Suppose that a survey taken this year of 1000 randomly selected people had the following results.

Believe in angels? Yes No Not sure or
no opinion
Frequency 820 110 70

Test whether the population proportions have changed, using level of significance .

Question 11.29

29. operating System Market Share. reported that, in 2014, the market share for the desktop operating system market was as follows.

Windows 7 Windows XP Windows 8 Others
51% 25% 13% 11%

A survey this year of 10,000 randomly selected desktop operating system had the following results.

Windows 7 Windows XP Windows 8 Others
4500 1500 2000 2000

Test whether the population proportions have changed since 2014, using level of significance .


, , , .

: The random variable does not follow the distribution specified in . Checking the conditions, the expected frequencies are , , , , Because none of these expected frequencies is less than one, and none of the expected frequencies is less than five, the conditions for performing the goodness of ft test are met. . Reject if . . Compare with is . Therefore, we reject . There is evidence that the variable operating system does not follow the distribution specified in . In other words, there is evidence that the desktop operating systems market share has changed.

Question 11.30

30. Adult Education. The National Center for Education Statistics reported on the percentages of adults who enrolled in personal-interest courses, by the highest education level completed.3 Of these, 8% had less than a high school diploma, 23% had a high school diploma, 32% had some college, 24% had a Bachelor's degree, and 13% had a graduate or professional degree. A survey taken of 200 randomly selected adults who enrolled in personal-interest courses showed the following numbers for the highest education level completed. Test whether the distribution of education levels has changed, using level of significance .

Less than
Graduate or
12 40 62 54 32

Question 11.31

31. Mall Restaurants. Based on monthly sales data, the International Council of Shopping Centers reported that the proportions of meals eaten at food establishments in shopping malls were as follows: fast food, 30%; food court, 46%; and restaurants, 24%. A survey of 100 randomly selected meals eaten at malls showed that 32 were eaten at fast-food places, 49 were eaten at food courts, and the rest were eaten at restaurants. Test whether the population proportions have changed, using level of significance


, , . : The random variable does not follow the distribution specified in ,, . Since none of the expected frequencies is less than 1 and none of the expected frequencies is less than 5, the conditions for performing the goodness of ft test are met. . Reject if . . Since is not , we do not reject . There is insufficient evidence that the random variable does not follow the distribution specified in .

Question 11.32

32. Spinal Cord Injuries. A study found that, of the minority patients who suffered spinal cord injury, 30% had a private health insurance provider, 55.6% used Medicare or Medicaid, and 14.4% had other arrangements.4 Suppose that a sample of 1000 randomly selected minority patients with spinal cord injuries found that 350 had a private health insurance provider, 500 used Medicare or Medicaid, and 150 had other arrangements. Test whether the proportions have changed, using level of significance .

Question 11.33

33. University Dining. The university dining service believes there is no difference in student preference among the following four entrees: pizza, cheeseburgers, quiche, and sushi. A sample of 500 students showed that 250 preferred pizza, 215 preferred cheeseburgers, 30 preferred quiche, and 5 preferred sushi. Test, at level of significance , whether or not there is a difference in student preference among the four entrees. (Hint: For the test of no difference among the proportions, the null hypothesis states that all proportions are equal.)


, , , . : The random variable does not follow the distribution specified in . , , , . Since none of the expected frequencies is less than 1 and none of the expected frequencies is less than 5, the conditions for performing the goodness of ft test are met. . Reject if . . Since , we reject . There is evidence that there is a difference in student preference among the four entries.

Question 11.34

34. ISP Market Share. reported that, in 2014, the worldwide market share for the ISP (Internet service provider) market was as follows.

Comcast AT&T Time-
Verizon Others
7% 7% 5% 5% 76%

A survey this year of 10,000 randomly selected ISPs provided the following results.

Comcast AT&T Time-
Verizon Others
900 800 600 700 7000

Test whether the population proportions have changed since 2014, using level of significance .

Question 11.35

image 35. Refer to the previous exercise. What if the observed frequency for Comcast had been larger and the observed frequency for Others had been smaller, by some unknown amount? Describe how this would affect the following:

  1. The hypotheses
  2. The expected frequencies
  3. The p-value
  4. The conclusion


(a) Stay the same (b) Stay the same (c) Increases (d) Decreases (e) Stays the same