OBJECTIVES By the end of this section, I will be able to …
1 Requirements for the poisson Distribution
The Poisson distribution was developed in 1838 by Siméon Denis Poisson (1781–1840), a French mathematician and physicist, who published more than 300 works in mathematical physics.
The Poisson distribution, like the binomial distribution, is a discrete probability distribution. The Poisson probability distribution is used when we wish to find the probability of observing a certain number of occurrences () of a particular event within a fixed interval of space or time. For example, the number of calls per hour to a 911 emergency center follows a Poisson distribution, as does the number of typographical errors per chapter in a book.
Poisson Probability Distribution
The Poisson probability distribution is a discrete probability distribution that is used when observing the number of occurrences of an event within a fixed interval of space or time. The random variable represents the number of occurrences of the event in the interval.
Requirements for the Poisson Probability Distribution
For a binomial random variable, the maximum number of successes is the number of trials . But for the Poisson random variable, there is no upper limit to the number of occurrences . For example, there is no upper limit to the number of calls per hour to a 911 emergency center.
EXAMPLE 21Recognizing when to use the Poisson distribution
For each of the following situations, state whether or not the random variable follows a Poisson probability distribution. If not, state why not.
Exercises 5–8.
2Computing Probabilities for a Poisson Random Variable
In Section 6.2, we used the binomial probability distribution formula to compute binomial probabilities. Similarly, we may use the following formula for calculating probabilities for a Poisson random variable .
Poisson Probability Distribution Formula
If the requirements are met, the probability that a particular event occurs times within a given interval is
EXAMPLE 22Finding probabilities using the Poisson distribution
A study was done of the number of cardiac arrests to occur per week in a particular hospital of 850 beds over a period of 5 years.4 The number of cardiac arrests fulflls the requirements for the Poisson probability distribution and has a mean of cardiac arrests per week. Calculate the following probabilities:
The number of cardiac arrests fulfills the requirements for the Poisson probability distribution, so we may use the Poisson probability distribution formula to calculate the desired probabilities. To use this formula, we must determine the values of and . For each of (a)–(e), we have . The Poisson distribution with for is shown in Figure 18.
Here, , so the probability that is
The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution, so that “fewer than 2” means or . We thus find and , and add the resulting probabilities to arrive at the answer.
So the probability of fewer than two cardiac arrests in a week equals .
The phrase “at most 2” means or or . We thus find , , and and add the resulting probabilities to arrive at the answer. We have already found and from part (b) and have found from part (a). Thus, the probability of, at most, two cardiac arrests in a week equals
Exercises 9–14.
Suppose the number of customers to a boutique crafts shop follows a Poisson distribution with mean per hour. Find the following probabilities:
(The solutions are shown in Appendix A.)
3The Mean, Variance, and standard Deviation for a Poisson Distribution
Just as the binomial distribution has a mean, variance, and standard deviation, we can calculate these quantities for a Poisson probability distribution. The mean, variance, and standard deviation for a Poisson distribution are as follows.
Parameters of the Poisson Distribution
EXAMPLE 23Applying the mean and standard deviation
Zillow.com indicated that the number of homes for sale in Storrs, Connecticut, in July 2014 was 25. Suppose that the number of homes for sale in Storrs meets the requirements for the Poisson probability distribution, with mean .
Recall from Section 3.4 (page 159) that a data value farther than 2 standard deviations from the mean is considered moderately unusual. The numbers of homes that lie 2 standard deviations above and below the mean are calculated as follows:
Thus, if 15 or fewer homes were sold in Storrs in 1 month, this would be considered moderately unusual. Similarly, it would be moderately unusual if 35 or more homes were sold.
Exercises 15–18.
Suppose the number of customers to a boutique crafts shop follows a Poisson distribution with mean per hour.
(The solutions are shown in Appendix A.)
4Using the Poisson Distribution to Approximate the Binomial Distribution
We can use the Poisson distribution to approximate the binomial distribution when the number of trials is large and the probability of success is small, as measured by the following requirements:
Requirements for Using the Poisson Distribution to Approximate the Binomial Distribution
where is the number of trials and is the probability of success for the binomial distribution.
If the requirements are met, then the mean of the Poisson distribution used to approximate the binomial distribution is given as
EXAMPLE 24Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution
Two percent of online e-commerce transactions are fraudulent.5 (a) In a sample of 100 online e-commerce transactions, approximate the probability that three fraudulent transactions occur. (b) Measure the accuracy of the approximation.
We first verify that the requirements are met. The number of trials is . The probability of “success” (that is, fraud) on any particular transaction is , so that . The requirements are met. Next, we find the mean of the Poisson distribution used to approximate the binomial distribution: . Then the probability that fraudulent transactions occur is
The probability is 0.1804 that three fraudulent transactions occur in the sample of 100 online e-commerce transactions.
Exercises 19–22.